Which of the following combinations of NPK fertilizer is recommended for the cultivation of yam and cassava?
a. Differentiate between credit and subsidy in agricultural finance
b. Name five agricultural inputs that are subsidised by the government
c. Mention six periodic maintenance practices on a tractor
d. State five precautions that should be taken when operating farm machinery
a. Explain each of the following terms:
i. agricultural ecology
ii. ecosystem
b. Mention:
i. two biotic components of a farm ecosystem
ii. three abiotic components of a farm ecosystem
c. State five precautions that should be taken during storage of bags of maize in a store
d. Give four examples of bedding plants
a. Discuss the root knot disease of tomato plants under the following headings:
i. causal organism
ii. mode of transmission
iii. two symptoms
iv. two prevention and control measures
b. Describe three effects each of the following farming practices on the soil:
i. fertilizer application
ii. clean clearing
iii. overgrazing
c. Mention three agricultural uses of land
a. Outline four steps involved in the planting of cassava stem cuttings
b. State three uses of cassava tubers
c. If yam is cultivated at a spacing of 100 cm by 100 cm on 1.5 hectares of farmland and each yam tuber weighs an average of 3.5 kg after harvesting, calculate the:
i. expected number of yam plants on the farmland
ii. total weight of yam tubers harvested in kilogramme
d. Distinguish between diet and ration in animal nutrition