We're happy to welcome you as one of our Post-UTME Past Questions Agents. Becoming a Post-UTME Past Questions Agent will not only reward you financially, but it will indeed draw you closer to The Myschool Team. We will become partners!
We are basically opening up our Post-UTME Past Questions Business, to enable us to become more efficient in offering value to students. We're, therefore, willing to share our revenue in this business with other students, individuals, business owners and institutions, who are also passionate about helping students succeed. If your material is more updated than what we currently have for any school, we are happy to work with you and give you the earnings from all the school candidates going forward.
If you have already compiled this type of material, and are selling it somewhere else, you're welcome to also sell it on Myschool for a broader reach. You can always contact us for any clarifications, or to inquire if we already have the material before uploading yours. You can also let us know if you need some time to get or update your material.
We require only serious-minded people, who are ready to offer value to buyers. You will need to ensure your material is authentic because we are doing this for candidates to ultimately have an insight into what to expect in their coming exam. They need to be aware of key information such as how many questions they should expect, the composition of the questions (whether it's their core subjects or just general knowledge), the time given for each paper, etc. Once your material is well composed, we will approve it.
Please don't just download any material from the internet and send it to us. It will be immediately disapproved.
We will sell each material at the cost of N1,000 flat (Per Faculty).
This means if we sell 1000 copies for you, you will earn N400,000. Now think about the number of candidates writing post-UTME in that school.
Before you upload a Post-UTME Past Question Material, please check to see that we don't already have it. If your material is more updated than what we currently have for any school, we are happy to work with you and give you the earnings from all the school candidates going forward. You can check by looking at the list of schools we already have on the sales page by clicking here. If a school is already listed and your material is more updated than what we currently have you can apply to become a past questions agent for the school, if your material is not up-to-date, no need to upload material for that particular school. You can then look into other schools that are not listed or updated on the sales page.
There are 2 sections on the Dashboard Menu where you will be able to monitor sales;
The major tip is to meet the acceptable format or conditions for the Post-UTME past questions stated earlier in this publication. Especially the issue of arranging the questions YEAR by YEAR. We do this to ensure candidates are totally satisfied, and that they get true value for the money they spent.
The other major tip is that approval will be on a first come, first served basis. The first person to meet all our criteria wins the bid. This means that even if you're the first to post a material, once it does not meet any of our conditions above, we won't publish it for sale.
We would rather not sell at all than sell inappropriate materials. Remember also that we reserve the right to stop selling your material at anytime if we discover any foul play.
The earlier you compile and upload your material, the earlier we start marketing and selling for you.
If you have any suggestions, observations or concerns about this programme, you can call our dedicated helpline for you, between 9am - 5pm from Monday to Friday (Excluding Holidays). You can call 09062547747 or send an email to info@myschool.ng