Before you DM, Call or Email a Myschool staff, please first check out the following solution channels;
I want to ask an important question about my school...
Do you know that most related questions about your school have already been answered? Also, you will likely get a response 10 times faster if you ask the entire school community of members. It's easy to ask a question;
Click here to Ask a Question
I am searching for an information...
Try using the search form below. Type what you're looking for and search;
The above options can't resolve my issue...
Send a DM
Because a staff is almost always on the website, this is the fastest way of getting a reply (Only open to members);
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If you absolutely must, give us a call;
This option is great if you have a payment or service related issue. Here are our hotlines, available from Monday to Friday, between 9am - 5pm daily;
Staying Up-to-date...
You can connect with us on any of our social media channels below;