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Physics Past Questions

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NECO offline past questions - All questions, answers & explanations in one app 25712
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A thin wire with heavy weights attached to both ends is hung over a block of ice resting on two supports. If the wire cuts through the ice block while the block remains solid behind the wire, the process is called

  • A. condensation
  • B. sublimation
  • C. regelation
  • D. fusion
View Answer & Discuss (8) JAMB 2000

Day 1 - 30°C | Day 2 - 29°C | Day 3 - 25°C

Day 1 - 22°C | Day 2 - 22°C | Day 3 - 21°C

The reading above are for three consecutive days from a wet and dry bulb hygrometer. It can be concluded that the relative humidity for the three days

  • A. decreased steadily
  • B. remained unchanged
  • C. increased steadily
  • D. was least on Day 1
View Answer & Discuss (15) JAMB 2000

One end of a long wire is fixed while a vibrator is attached to the other end. When the vibrator is energized, the types of waves generated in the wire are

  • A. stationary and longitudinal
  • B. stationary and transverse
  • C. progressive and transverse
  • D. progressive and longitudinal
View Answer & Discuss (21) JAMB 2000
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NECO offline past questions - All questions, answers & explanations in one app 25712
A metal of mass 0.5kg is heated to 100°C and then transferred to a well-lagged calorimeter of heat capacity 80JK-1 containing water of heat capacity 420JK-1 at 15°C. If the final steady temperature of the mixture is 25°C, find the specific heat capacity of the metal.
  • A. 877Jkg-1K-1
  • B. 286Jkg-1K-1
  • C. 133Jkg-1K-1
  • D. 92Jkg-1K-1
View Answer & Discuss (2) JAMB 2000

The main reason for making the cover of a vacuum flask airtight is to prevent heat loss by

  • A. convection
  • B. conduction
  • C. radiation
  • D. evaporation
View Answer & Discuss (33) JAMB 2000
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