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Mathematics Past Questions

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Evaluate \(\int 2(2x - 3)^{\frac{2}{3}} \mathrm d x\)

  • A. 3/5(2x-3)5/3 + k
  • B. 6/5(2x-3)5/3 + k
  • C. 2x-3+k
  • D. 2(2x-3)+k
View Answer & Discuss (5) JAMB 2001

Differentiate \((2x+5)^{2} (x-4)\) with respect to x.

  • A. 4(2x+5)(x-4)
  • B. 4(2x+5)(4x-3)
  • C. (2x+5)(2x-13)
  • D. (2x+5)(6x-11)
View Answer & Discuss (5) JAMB 2001

Find the area bounded by the curves y = 4 - x2 and y = 2x + 1

  • A. 20(1/3) sq. units
  • B. 20(2/3) sq. units
  • C. 10(2/3) sq. units
  • D. 10(1/3) sq. units
View Answer & Discuss (4) JAMB 2001
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NECO offline past questions - All questions, answers & explanations in one app 25712
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Find the rate of change of the volume, V of a sphere with respect to its radius, r when r = 1.
  • A. 12π
  • B.
  • C. 24π
  • D.
View Answer & Discuss (3) JAMB 2001
If y = x sinx, find dy/dx when x = π/2.
  • A. -π/2
  • B. -1
  • C. 1
  • D. π/2
View Answer & Discuss (2) JAMB 2001
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