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Literature in English Past Questions

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The difficulties of his early life taught Kaunda the value of

  • A. self interest
  • B. economy
  • C. changing jobs
  • D. self help
  • E. political protest
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1980

In zambia shall be free Kaunda describes his father as

  • A. erratic
  • B. a political agitator
  • C. wicked
  • D. unlucky
  • E. strict.
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1980
The night has been unruly. Where we lay. Our chimneys were blown down; and as they say lamentings heard i'th'air; strange screams of death And prophesying with accents terrible. Of dire combustion and confessed events. New hatch'd to the woeful time. The obscure bird Clamour'd the livelong night: some say the earth was feverous and did shake. This is the night .
  • A. when Banquo was murdered
  • B. before macbeth was killed
  • C. when the duncan and his men were fighting the enemy
  • D. when macbeth went to see the witches
  • E. when duncan was murdered.
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Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts

Kofi had to live under a master and go to school in keta because

  • A. his mothr lived in keta
  • B. his father was transfer ti abor
  • C. he lost his school fees to gamblers
  • D. his father's school was a junior school
  • E. his father wanted to punish him.
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1980

In the novel The Narrow Parth because Kofi's father was a headmaster, kofi

  • A. wore shoe to school
  • B. started school early
  • C. went to school when he liked
  • D. wasn rude to his teachers
  • E. was very popular with the school children
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1980
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