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Literature in English Past Questions

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Ananse knew who loved his daughter most through

  • A. the quality of gifts they sent to him
  • B. the eagerness which each showed to marry her
  • C. thier reactions to the news of Anansewa's death
  • D. the words of thier messengers
  • E. the letters the chief wrote to them.
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1980

Orlando addressed the banished duke and his men roughly because

  • A. he was hungry
  • B. he was greedy
  • C. he was afraid
  • D. he thought they were wild
  • E. they refuse to give him food.
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In As You Like It Orland's defeat of charles, the Duke's wrestler made his brother Oliver

  • A. decide to reconcile with him
  • B. plan to kill him
  • C. hate him more
  • D. ask the servant, Adam to drive him away
  • E. give him his deserved inheritance.
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The animal which Gerald Durrel found difficult to catch was

  • A. the water snake
  • B. old plop
  • C. alacko
  • D. geronimo
  • E. achilles.
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1980

To be thus is nothing but to be safely thus our fear in Banqo stick deep. soon after these words, macbeth is dramatically 'attended'by

  • A. Banqo and his son
  • B. two murderers
  • C. lady Macbeth
  • D. lady Macbeth and a servant
  • E. Banqo
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