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Apartheid in South Africa was a system that institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination. What year did it officially begin?

  • A. 1948
  • B. 1956
  • C. 1971
  • D. 1963
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The colonization of Liberia began in what year?

  • A. 1875
  • B. 1807
  • C. 1807
  • D. 1850
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What was the outcome of the Battle of Adwa in 1896?

  • A. Ethiopia and Italy signed a peace treaty.
  • B. Italy withdrew from Ethiopia.
  • C. Ethiopia gained full independence from Italy.
  • D. Ethiopia was annexed by Italy.
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The ancient city of Carthage, once a powerful Phoenician civilization, was located in modern-day

  • A. Egypt
  • B. Algeria
  • C. Morocco
  • D. Tunisia
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Which organization played a crucial role in the fight against apartheid in South Africa and was led by Nelson Mandela?

  • A. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
  • B. African Union (AU)
  • C. Southern African Development Community (SADC)
  • D. African National Congress (ANC)
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