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Geography 2007 WAEC Past Questions

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Which of the following is not a capital city of an ECOWAS state?
  • A. Nairobi
  • B. Lome
  • C. Dakar
  • D. Bissau
View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2007

 Study the map extract on a scale of 1:50,000 and answer the following questions:

(a) On the map, mark and name one example of each of the following features with the letters in bracket:
(i) Spur (SP);
(ii) Gentle slope (GS);
(iii) Watershed (WS);
(iv) V-shaped valley (VS).

(b) In your answer booklet;
(i) calculate the length (in km) of River Dakorobi from its source to the point where iL joins River Sencha. (Show all workings clearly);
(ii) describe the relief of the mapped area.

(c) Highlight the influence of relief on settlement in the area. P 

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2007

The Table below shows the volume of air passenger traffic between Lagos and four other cities in Nigeria in 1985. Study the table and use the data in it to answer the questions that follow: 

S/N Route No. of passengers
1 Lagos -  Abuja 500,000
2 Lagos - Enugu 200,000
3 Lagos - Port Harcourt 400,000
4 Lagos - sokoto 300,000

(a) Using the attached map of Nigeria - Map B, construct a flow map/chart to represent the data in Table 1.

(b) State two advantages cf representing data with flow maps. 

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2007
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Write a geographical account of Hot Desert Climate under the following:

(a) Location
(b) Characteristic features,
(c) Vegetation,
(d) Human activities. 

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2007

(a)(i) Define the term Environmental Resources,
(ii) List two types of Environmental Resources other than water.

(b) Highlight four ways in which water is important as an environmental resource.

(c) Outline two problems that might arise from the degradation of water resources. 

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2007
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