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NECO offline past questions - All questions, answers & explanations in one app 25712

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question on it.

For all well-meaning citizens, the moral decadence in our society nowadays is cause for concern. Some have argued that the root cause of this decadence is poor parenting. Indeed, poor parenting has given rise to most of the criminality that we witness today. We all keep on complaining when in fact parents themselves are largely to blame for the unsavoury situation. In order to improve this situation, parents need to inculcate certain sterling qualities in their children.
There is no doubt that temptations are bound to arise in everyday life. However, if lessons in self-control are instilled in children, they will be able to resist temptations. Children who have self-control are not likely to have problems with the law; moreover, they will be able to avoid health issues and financial stress, as well as other consequences of lack of self-restraint. For example, a child who has been taught to avoid eating junk food will not become obese. Such a child already knows that every action has a consequence.
Today, many people consider themselves better than others and therefore look down on them. They are arrogant, impudent and intolerant; as such they are hardly ever willing to accommodate other people's ideas. A child who has imbibed the virtue of humility will be respectful, take an interest in others and be willing to learn from them. Sometimes, humility is misconstrued as a weakness but in reality, it is a strength which helps people to recognise their faults and acknowledge their limitations.
Parents should ensure that their children take an active part in chores and duties at home. They will therefore know that there is virtue in serving others.

In life, we cannot avoid obstacles and disappointments. A child cannot learn how to walk without occasional falls. Similarly, in life we experience occasional setbacks. For example, a child may fail a fest at school. In such a situation, what is needed is encouragement that will boost the child's confidence for future tests. Parents can help the child to work out a strategy for achieving resounding success. Children should be taught the truth in the axiom, "If you fail at first, try, try and try again." This training in resilience helps children to face life's challenges with confidence.
Many adults lack integrity, so when they say "yes" they really mean "no*. They can therefore hardly be trusted or relied on and usually fail to take responsibility for their actions or failures. The actions of such adults have grave implications for society. It parents train their children on the need to have integrity, such children will not go about engaging in criminal activities.
Cutting corners in order to get rich quickly is the stock-in-trade of many adults, who now engage in all forms of illegal and unwholesome activities to acquire sudden wealth. Indeed, the culture of hand work is fast disappearing. If children are well trained in appreciating the value of hard work, they will grow up into adults who will shun all forms of shady activities aimed at making an overnight fortune.
Obedience to laws is a key quality that will make any society stable and function smoothly. For example, if taxes are paid when due as stipulated by societal laws, the money realised will be used to provide the badly needed social amenities and infrastructure. Parents have an important role to play by training their children to obey rules and regulations at home. This training will enable them to become law-abiding adults.
In the light of the foregoing, parents should be good role models in terms of character, comportment, speech and dedication to duty among other things. Only under such circumstances can we build a stable society that benefits all.


In six sentences, one for each, summarise the qualities that the writer advises parents to instil in their children.

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