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English Language 1983 JAMB Past Questions

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In the question below, choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined:
The story has to be taken with a grain of salt. This means that
  • A. you need some salt to listen to the story
  • B. there is not salt in the story
  • C. the story is questionable
  • D. the story is true
  • E. you have too much salt in story
View Answer & Discuss (1) JAMB 1983
In the question below, choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined:
It is usually hard to change the course of action when one crosses the rubicon. The underlined expression, as used in this sentence means to
  • A. pass through a place called rubicon
  • B. cross a river called rubicon
  • C. cross a bridge called rubicon
  • D. pass a special test
  • E. be irrevocably commited
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1983
In the question below, choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined:
The salesman tried to pull the wool over by the eye. This implies that the salesman tried to
  • A. force me to buy his goods
  • B. offer me cotton wool
  • C. make me by his wool
  • D. dupe me
  • E. cover my eyes with wool
View Answer & Discuss (1) JAMB 1983
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NECO offline past questions - All questions, answers & explanations in one app 25712
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In the question below, choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined:
Ijeoma counted her chickens before they were hatched. This means that Ijeoma
  • A. regarded each egg as a chicken
  • B. hatched the egg prematurely
  • C. assumed that her expectation had already been realized
  • D. protected her eggs from breaking
  • E. insured the eggs
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1983

In the question below, choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined:
Solo has resigned his job with the textile mills. He doesn't seem to worry about getting another job. His plans are still quite in the air. This means that his plans are

  • A. airmailed
  • B. airtight
  • C. uncertain
  • D. certain
  • E. airborne
View Answer & Discuss (3) JAMB 1983
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