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English Language Past Questions

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Choose the word/expression which best completes each sentence :

It is time we ....

  • A. should be going
  • B. ought to go
  • C. are going
  • D. went
  • E. go
View Answer & Discuss (22) JAMB 1979
Choose the word/expression which best completes each sentence :
He sent the children out to play .... he might be alone
  • A. because
  • B. so that
  • C. yet
  • D. since
  • E. while
View Answer & Discuss (2) JAMB 1979

Choose the word/expression which best completes each sentence :
He played the piano .... an hour or two

  • A. around
  • B. in about
  • C. during
  • D. while
  • E. for
View Answer & Discuss (3) JAMB 1979
Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts
NECO offline past questions - All questions, answers & explanations in one app 25712
Project Topics and Materials, Post-UTME past questions - Download now or upload yours to get paid
Choose the word/expression which best completes each sentence :
The solution to the problem has so far .... the scientist
  • A. defied
  • B. allured
  • C. eluded
  • D. denied
  • E. avoided
View Answer & Discuss (10) JAMB 1979

Choose the word/expression which best completes each sentence :

The teacher asked if she .... seen her boyfriend recently

  • A. has
  • B. have
  • C. was
  • D. had
  • E. will have
View Answer & Discuss (5) JAMB 1979
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Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts