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Economics Past Questions

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The burden of tax on a commodity whose demand is infinitely inelastic
  • A. is zero
  • B. will be borne by the seller alone
  • C. will be borne by the buyer alone
  • D. will be borne by both buyer and seller
  • E. is impossible to tell who bears it
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1979
The pre-dominance of non-working housewives and maids in West Africa
  • A. will understate the national income of the countries
  • B. will overstate the national income of the countries
  • C. will lead to constant per capita income over the years
  • D. will lead to balance of payment deficits
  • E. will cause unfavourable terms of trade
View Answer & Discuss (2) JAMB 1979
Inflation can be curbed by
  • A. increasing aggregate demand
  • B. paying higher wages
  • C. increasing government expenditure
  • D. reducing aggregate demand
  • E. a deficit budget
View Answer & Discuss (1) JAMB 1979
NECO offline past questions - All questions, answers & explanations in one app 25712
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In most cases the marginal utility derived from a particular good
  • A. increases as additional units are consumed
  • B. increases at a decreasing rate as additional units are consumed
  • C. decreases at a constant rate as additional units are consumed
  • D. decreases as additional units are consumed
  • E. remains constant as additional units are consumed
View Answer & Discuss (1) JAMB 1979
Infant industries are
  • A. a baby food and a baby clothing factories
  • B. those which are introducing new products
  • C. cases of arrested development
  • D. industries temporarily protected by tariff barriers until mature enough to compete on world markets
  • E. industries that are allowed to remain permanent cases of adolescence
View Answer & Discuss (4) JAMB 1979
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