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Economics Past Questions

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The proportion of currency in the money supply
  • A. is higher in developing countries than advanced countries
  • B. is lower in developing countries than advanced countries
  • C. is the same in both developing and advanced countries
  • D. grows as the economy develope
  • E. none of the above
View Answer & Discuss JAMB 1979
If a government is running deficit, this means
  • A. A term of trade are unfavourable
  • B. more project cannot be undertaken
  • C. Tax inflow is greater than expenditure
  • D. aggregate demand is greater than aggregate supply
  • E. tax inflow is less than expenditure
View Answer & Discuss (4) JAMB 1979
Pure monopoly describes market where
  • A. there are many sellers and a few buyers
  • B. goods are sold at different price
  • C. entry is not blocked, but no one cares to enter
  • D. a few sellers and one buyer exist
  • E. None of the above
View Answer & Discuss (8) JAMB 1979
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Which of the following assets of the commercial bank does not yield revenue?
  • A. Money in the tills of the bank
  • B. money at call
  • C. Treasury certificates
  • D. Treasury bills
  • E. Bills of exchange
View Answer & Discuss (1) JAMB 1979
Which of the following is not a component of national income at factor cost?
  • A. Wages earned by doctor
  • B. Rent paid to landlords
  • C. Indirect tax
  • D. Undistributed company profits
  • E. Interest on loan
View Answer & Discuss (3) JAMB 1979
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