Macromedia Dreamweaver application is used for
People who use cathode ray tube monitor without antiglare screen are susceptible to
Figure 5 is an MS PowerPoint application interface. The part used to apply motion effect to different objects of a slide is labelled
Use Table 1 to answer questions 35 and 36.
Table 1: TableStudent
Reg No | House |
Age |
18/001 | Yellow | 14 |
18/002 | Blue | 15 |
18/003 | Yellow | 15 |
Columns 2 and 3 in Table 1 cannot be used as primary key because both fields contain
Use Table 1 to answer questions 35 and 36.
Table 1: TableStudent
Reg No | House |
Age |
18/001 | Yellow | 14 |
18/002 | Blue | 15 |
18/003 | Yellow | 15 |
The attributes in Table 1 are