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Biology Past Questions

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a.Complete the table below

Element Function in plants Effect of deficiency in plants

b.Name three classes of organic foods which are essential constituents in the diet of a mammal.

c.State two roles each of the following structures of the digestive system in humans:
 i.buccal cavity   ii, duodenum iii.stomach

d. Name the end product of adding dilute hydrochloric acid to sucrose


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a.Relationships I, II, III, IV and V exist among some organisms in an ecosystem. Use them to answer the question
I: Organism A grows on dead organism B.
II: Organism C feeds on the remnants of food left by organism D without affecting organism D negatively or positively
III: Organism E provides shelter for organism F while organism F transports organism E towards food
IV: Organism G kills organism B for food
V: Organism H feeds on organism J, causing organism J a disease.

Name the type of relationship in: I,II,III,IV,V

b. what is the biological term for each of organisms B and G?

c. Name one example each of organisms B to J

di.  Name the relationship that is most beneficial to the ecosystem.

ii Give one reason for the answer in 3d(i)

ei. Give two examples of organism A

ii. Name the group to which organism A belongs


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a. Complete the following Punnett squares of a dihybrid cross between two rats. One has black fur (BB) and short tail (tt), the other has brown fur (bb) and long tail (TT).

X Bt


(b)i.How many of the offspring will have black fur and short tail?

ii. How many of the offspring will have brown fur and long tail?

iii. How many of the offspring will have black fur and long tail?

iv. How many of the offspring will have brown fur and short tail?


i.If there were twenty (20) chromosomes in the leaf cell of a plant, how many chromosomes would be in each of the following cells of the plant?pollen grain.

ii. If there were twenty (20) chromosomes in the leaf cell of a plant, how many chromosomes would be in each of the following cells of the plant? guard cell.

iii. If there were twenty (20) chromosomes in the leaf cell of a plant, how many chromosomes would be in each of the following cells of the plant? ovule.

iv. If there were twenty (20) chromosomes in the leaf cell of a plant, how many chromosomes would be in each of the following cells of the plant? root cell




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ai. What are sense organs?

ii. Name three sense organs that respond to the stimulus of chemicals

b. List three animals each that exhibit the following courtship behaviours
i.territoriality ii. pairing

ci. State one similarity between the eggs of toad and the eggs of birds.

ii. State three differences between the eggs of toads and the eggs of birds.

d. Complete the table below by listing four organisms involved in the nitrogen cycle and state one role each of the organisms.

four organisms involved in nitrogen circle one role of organism

e. Complete the table below by naming two types of heterotrophic modes of nutrition in animals and give two examples each of the organisms that carry out the modes of nutrition.   

Two modes of heterotrophic nutrition

Two examples of organisms that carry out mode of nutrition


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