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The Marketing of Educational Services

Type Project Topics
Faculty Administration
Course Marketing
Price ₦4,000
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Key Features:
- No of Pages: 113

- No of Chapters: 05
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This project is on the marketing of educational programme of tertiary institutions.
rnA case study of the institute of management and technology (IMT), Enugu. The major objective of the study was to determine the extent of effectiveness which IMT has attained I the marketing of its educational service.
rn The populations studied comprised of student personnel and employers of IMT graduates primary and secondary data collected were analyzed and hypothesis tested using the chi-square statistical technique.
rn From the data analyzed, the researcher came up with the following findings.
rn1. Inadequate physical facilities limit the effectiveness of IMT in marketing its educational service.
rn2. The quantity of graduates being turned out today by the institute is decreasing.
rn3. The institute management is not marketing oriented and does not attach importance to the satisfaction of its customers (students)
rn4. Most of the customers (students) experience too much stress and are not satisfied with the total package of educational service received.
rn The researcher recommends the following to help solve the problem:
rn1. The management building and providing more physical facilities such as libraries, lecture rooms, laboratory, etc.
rn2. The government of Enugu State providing more funds and reducing the total price (fees) paid by customers.
rn3. The management of the Institute becoming marketing oriented and carrying out monitoring research to determine the level of satisfaction in pr dissatisfaction and then taking appropriate action;
rn4. Motivating the personnel of the Institute very well to render educational service more effectively.
rn The conclusion of the study is that the marketing of educational service in IMT today is not effective, but this can be changed by adopting the (marketing) strategies listed above.

Table of Content

Title page
rnTable of contents
rnChapter One – Introduction
rnBackground of the study
rnStatement of the study
rnObjectives of the study
rnSignificance of the study
rnScope of the study
rnLimitation of the study
rnChapter Two – Literature review
rnBackground history of education
rnEngineering responsibilities
rnHistorical background of IMT Enngu
rnThe administrative division
rnAn overview of I.M.T academic programes
rnThe dynamic of change in service marketing
rnChapter Three
rnResearch methodology
rnSource of data
rnSample size determination
rnSample size for personnel
rnSample for students
rnSample size for employers
rnSample technique
rnResearch instruments need
rnValidation of research instruments
rnMethod of data organization and analysis
rnChapter Four
rnPresentation and analysis of data
rnChapter Five
rnDiscussion of findings, recommendation and conclusion
rnSummary of findings


The marketing of educational programme of tertiary institutions in Nigeria cannot be said to be more appropriate to come under focus at any other later time than now.
rn This assertion stems from the fact of the importance of the study to the body running, management and administration of our tertiary institution. This study is equally going to be more relevant to the planners and financial to those tertiary schools.
rn The knowledge of the salient issues in the study will assist the planners and managers of the institution to really understand the extent to which the programmes have been effective.
rnThe customers (student) attitude and perception of them, the impact of promotion on them, people choice, their preference, intense etc. for this knowledge to be more meaningful and well appreciated, we have to see the program (course) as products they are displayed for people to buy and products they are displayed for people to buy and people will definitely make choice and offers start mill, an eminent English scholar, defined education in his 180y address to the university of St Andrews as “whatever we do for ourselves and whatever is done for us by others for the express purpose of bringing us somewhere nearer to the perfection of our nature. It is the culture which each generation purposely gives to those who are to be its successors, in order to qualify them for at least keeping up, and if possible for raising the level of improvement which has been obtained.
rnFollowing from the above we will have to see and regard the educational programmes offered by the tertiary institution as products. And the students constitute the market, that is, the consumers – call it the potential customers from the equality, a product – customers relationship must have to be established and developed.
rn Educational program (course) offered by tertiary institution must be such that should be capable of eliciting high demand in the market place. As product they must posses features and attritonets that are appealing and admirable to convoke the consumer that they (the programe) are good enough for them, in order words, they must posses the rich attributes good features that are characteristics of product in service marketed.
rn The consumers (customers) must be able in them, those distinguishing attractants and appeals that will actuate effective demand. Such attributes and appeals should ability of the course to provide one with the means of live hood upon graduation take one into the realm of the society both in the present and in future. The course must be capable of providing people with the desired focus and the opportunity for one to find its position in competitive environment. Again, they should be such that could enable on attain self actualization in life.
rn The prospective students (consumers) of these product must have to exercise caution and be extremely careful in their choice offerings. This is because someone can be made or unmade (ruined) by the choice of course he made. And equally by the amount of moral and mental attitude he/she was able to put into him/her.
rn Schwarz a great philosophical writer opined “a man is a sum total of what he thinks he is” coupled with the amount of moral and positive mental development he is able to put in himself (Schwartz: 1959:10).
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