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No of pages:46
Nigeria as an importance and first growing country in Africa has in recen years acquired most important role in the work economy. May banks a number of financial institution have taken their rightful place in Nigerian economy.
This has resulted a change in test expectations and increasing sophistic cated of the populace. The effect of this change is continuously affecting the mode and method by which the banks services are marked. This had created the need for a research work in this area “marketing of bank services in Nigeria” this work is needed to provide the union bank and other commercial banks the information regarding their mark and the extent of its development. This project therefore explores and endeavors to offer some insight of marketing in banking activities.
Finally, the research mthodelogy, presentation and analysis of data, result and finding of the research were highlighted other areas like the limitation of the study, summary finding and conclusion were fully discussed.
Table of Content:
1.0 chapter one introduction
1.1 background of the study
1.2 statement of the problem
1.3 objective of the study
1.4 scope of the study
1.5 research questions
1.6 significance of the study
1.7 definitions of terms.
1.8 definition
2.0 chapter two literature review of related.
2.1 introductions
2.2 concepts of marketing and services
2.3 services marketing strategy
2.4 marketing mix and the Nigeria bankers
2.5 method of marketing banking services
2.6 Why marketing banking services
2.7 basic problems in marketing banking service
chapter three
3.0 research mythology
3.1 population and sample of the study
3.2 methods of data analysis
3.3 primary data
3.4 secondary data
3.5 instrument for data collection
Chapter four
4.0 presentation and data analysis
4.1 presentation of data
4.2 data analysis
Chapter five
5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendations
5.1 Summary of major findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
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