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The Effects Of Participation In Management Decision making On Employee Productivity. (A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc 9th Mile Planted at Nsude)

Type Project Topics
Faculty Administration
Course Business Administration
Price ₦3,000
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Key Features:
- No of Pages: 52

- No of Chapters: 05
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This research investigation studied The Effects of Participation in Management Decision-Making on Employee Productivity in Organizations.

The major Objectives of this study is to find out whether employees participation in management decision making in organization, and if they participate, what effect it will have on their productivity. The study also identified the major determinants of participation in Organization.

This Work is divided into five chapters, chapters one deals with introduction of the study, scope of the study.

Chapter two deals with review of the related literature, which have been researched upon before, and tires to find their correlation to the present study.

Chapter three comprised of the method used in collecting numerous data used writing the project worthwhile chapter five summarizes the whole write up by itemizing the findings of the research, and recommend what can be done to correct the anomalies existing in the current system.

Table of Content


1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.4 Significance of the study

1.5 Definition of therms

1.6 References


2.1 The Concept of Participation

2.2 Participation and Delegation

2.3 Factors that Influence participation

2.4 Different Needs for Participation.

2.5 Summary of Finding

2.6 References.


3.1 Data Presentation

3.2 Statistical Tools Employed for Data Analysis

3.3 Recommendations.

3.4 Conclusions.

3.5 References.



Management asserted that managers are people that get things done through others. This implies that in getting things done, they have to take series of decision that will guide the activities of people oriented towards the attainment of organization goals. He further stated that management activities in organization are dominated by decision-making activity.

This implies. That decision making in organization is the everyday pro-occupation of managers.

In support of the view stated that decision-making is one of the most crucial activities of management. He further stated that the necessity to decide is the everyday pro-occupation of management of organization whether small enterprise or multinational corporation. In today there exist in organization some form of interaction, which to a large extent influence the behaviour of the people who work in them. Manager and employee alike interact in their bid to carry out their organizational goals.

Traditionally, mangers are known to exercise much influence and specifically their immediate subordinates. This has led them in many instances to continually make decision unilaterally, even in those that are within the competence of their subordinate. However, in modern management practices this practice is no longer popular, hence there is need for employee to have adequate representation in management decision-making. Emphasis now is place on individual or group participation in managerial decision-making presentation. Thus implies without going through representation. Here “Participation” as advice or recommendation or employees that accepted and taken into consideration by management in making decision.

In Nigeria today business organization are springing up daily. Most of there have majority by Nigeria employees. As these organization expend their organization structures becomes difficult and different categories of managers are employed to fill different positions. These managers no doubt will be in control of a number of workers, who will be subordinate to them they will also in the course of performing there managerial duties take variety of decision concerning work and concerning their subordinates. Various explanations were offered as to why other countries were not doing equally well. Explanations like the technological gaps, research and development gap and other economic and efficacy gaps have been offered. However, none of them could be backed up with any worthwhile or clear-cut evidence. It became natural, therefore to look for the explanation elsewhere.

On the basis of the above arguments Heller and will part (1981) discovered that America’s superiority was the result of that unique managerial style in contrast to European industrial autocracy.

The above then calls for one central question regarding the participation of employee in managerial decision-making. Morgan (1973) stated that there cause little argument concerning the motivational assumption that when an employee is allowed to participate in the decision-making process he will perform better.
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