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The Design and Implementation of Health Zone.

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WAEC Past Questions, Objective & Theory, Study 100% offline, Download app now - 24709
Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts
WAEC May/June 2024 - Practice for Objective & Theory - From 1988 till date, download app now - 99995
ABSTRACT Living as a human being, health is taken as a priority everywhere you go to. As the famous saying goes “Health is Wealth”. Some people are wealthy but are not healthy. A person can encounter any illness at any time. A person cannot say that him/her is over having a certain illness because, when it comes you cannot take it back. People are suffering from different kind of diseases all over the world. But in this case the problem is not only the disease but knowing about the diet and what to do when you have a certain illness like papers to read or advice from health proffessionals. Let’s say for example; if a person has hepatitis and diabetes, the person will want to eat healthy food, get reliable source of health facts but the food that you are meant to eat for hepatitis like sugarcane, might not be good for the diabetes. So this is the problem the system is trying to overcome. If a person knows he may get a certain disease due to reasons best known to him or from a specialist, he can manage taking meals, getting health facts and questions answered so that he can reduce or curb the chances of that disease. So in this system, the issue of knowing you might get a disease which can be managed with diet, and reliable health information will be curbed or reduced the rate of the disease. Therefore, the patient can register for his/her illness on the system and the system will recommend papers, questions and their answers regarding the illness the patient registered for.

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Food is any substance that is or can be consumed by living organisms, especially by eating. Food is usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. Food safety and food security are monitored by agencies like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute, World Food Programme. Food is one of the necessities of life which every person needs to live. Non-Communicable Diseases as the name implies are those kinds of diseases that cannot be transmitted from one person to another. The disease is said to be a noninfectious health condition making it last longer in the body and thus cannot be spread. Examples include; heart attack, stroke, diabetes and sickle cell anemia. Combining the above points food and Non-Communicable Diseases brings up the title of this project. Online Food Recommendation System (accessible by all). People are ignorant about what they eat. Some know that they are not meant to eat certain things but they eat them because they want to and the food tastes sweeter than the food they are meant to eat.
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Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts
WAEC May/June 2024 - Practice for Objective & Theory - From 1988 till date, download app now - 99995
WAEC offline past questions - with all answers and explanations in one app - Download for free
WAEC Past Questions, Objective & Theory, Study 100% offline, Download app now - 24709