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Management Problem In Institute Of Management And Technology Enuugu

Type Project Topics
Faculty Administration
Course Business Administration
Price ₦3,000
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Key Features:
- No of Pages: 43

- No of Chapters: 07
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NECO June/July 2024 - Get offline past questions & answers - Download objective & theory, all in one app 48789


A visit to any of the state organization convinces one of clear lack of managerial know how in the organization. There are indiscipline, authoritarian leadership style, and the situation gets worse as one get to the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy. All resources are very poorly utilized in the organization.

Policies act as deterrent rather than facilitator of decision-making, there is over concentration of decision making in one person and delegation is non-existence, where it exist, responsibility is delegated and commensurate authority is withheld.

The management cadre, which is a siniquonon for economic development, is lacking. The government in many instances has assumed the function of entrepreneurs and taken over the managerial functions. Instances abound to convince every one that the government has not fared well as a good manager and has even performed worse than private entrepreneurs.

Table of Content


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Statement of problem

1.3 Purpose of study

1.4 Significant of the study

1.5 Limitation of the study

1.6 Scope of the stud

1.7 Definition of terms

1.8 Reference


2.0 Review of related literature

2.1 Meaning of Management and Functions

2.2 Management Problems in the Institute

At Department Level and General Level

2.3 Effects of Poor Management in the

Student and entire Nation

2.4 Management Problems in other organization

2.5 Summary


3.0 Data Presentation

3.1 Analysis of Data

3.2 Recommendation

3.3 Conclusion

3.4 Reference



Since there is no general accepted definition of management, I can say that management is the study of how man work together to achieve a systematic result.

As a science of it’s own, management will reliably inform managers what to do in a particular situation to enable them to predict the consequences of their actions while as art, it is the know how to accomplish a desired concrete result.

Koontz (1980 pg.20) also said “with the possible exception of formulating science itself, art is the most creative of all human pursuit”. Therefore when the importance of effective, and efficient group cooperation in any society is appreciated, it is not difficult to urge that managing is most important of all arts.

According to Luther Gulick management is a field of knowledge that seeks to systematically understand why and how men work together systematically to accomplish objectives and make these cooperative systems more useful to mankind.

By this statement, he is optimistic that management is no it’s way to becoming a science since it’s studied systematically and its theories are being tested against its experiences.

However, management problem has been order of the day in Nigeria, especially in our higher institutions, both in Polytechnics and our Universities. The acute level of mismanagement has been to the extent that our academic standard has been sent to the mould.

The effect of poor management on the student and the entire nation, for instance, in the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu could be dealt by everybody.

This high level of mismanagement, more especially in Institute of Management and Technology Enugu, has lead to our picking up the topic, problems of management and technology Enugu, problems of management in institute of management technology Enugu.

The Institute of Management and technology Enugu was established since 1973 to carter and admit eligible candidates and train them for various courses both at national Diploma and Higher National Diploma, National Certificate of Education and other programmes. This Institute up till this present day has suffered a lot of management problems from different level of department and different levels of academic and non-academic bodies. Due to poor management, the students of this institution have several engaged themselves on rioting in which they damaged a lot of school properties.

Besides, cases of not paying of salary when due have resulted in strike actions of both academic and non-academic staff of institution in 2000 and 2003. It is the matter of a great, that the Institution suffers a severe decline of academic work and to the present date are still trying to cope up with academic calendar which they lost during those protracted strike action.
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