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Management Of Human resource In The Business Sector (A Case Study Of Phinomar Nigeria Limited enugu)

Type Project Topics
Faculty Administration
Course Business Administration
Price ₦3,000
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Key Features:
- No of Pages: 94

- No of Chapters: 05
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This research work undertaken to survey the extent of management of human resource in Phinomar Nig. Ltd Enugu. To that effect, human resource management data were collected. The primary data are oral interviews, observations made directly as well as questionnaires administered. The secondary data are related views of literature written by people.

The questionnaire was evaluated and administered to all staff both senior and junior staff. They were analysed with simple percentage formular r/n X 100/1 where r = number of response in each case, and of n = sample size.

In conclusion it is stated that the practice of personnel administration at Phinomar Nig. Ltd Enugu is fought with nepotism, favouritism and sentiments, which made the relationship between the staff and management not harmonious.

In recommendation, Phinomar Nig. Ltd Enugu should abandon nepotism, favouritism and sentiments in promotion. Discipline and love should be embarked. Employees should be sent for in service training, motivated and standards should be set and followed by the administration to enhance the practice of personnel administration. Competent hands should be recruited to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

Table of Content


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Statement of problems

1.3 Objective of the study

1.4 Research question

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Scope and limitation

1.7. Definition of terms



2.0 Review of related literature

2.1 Definition and philosophy of human

resource management

2.2 Definition and development of personnel


2.3 Evolution or historical development of

personnel management

2.4 Evolution of personnel management in Nigeria

2.5 Nigeria perspective

2.6 The role/function of a personnel manager

2.7 Why personnel managers are necessary

2.8 Structuring the personnel department

2.9 Challenging problems of personnel


2.10 Human problems encountered in

Work place

2.11 Human resource planning

2.12 Human resource planning and

Corporate planning

2.13 Recruitment of human resources

2.14 Changing mix of the work force

2.15 Changing personnel views of the workforce

2.16 The importance and place of human

Resources in an organization

2.17 Brief history of phinomar Nigerian limited



3.0 Research design and methodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research design

3.3 Population and sample size

3.4 Instrument for the data collection

3.5 Method of data analysis

3.6 Limitations of the study



4.1 Data analysis and presentation

4.2 Summary of data preventative and



5.0 Findings, conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Summary of findings

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation





Of all the researchers of organization, the human resources out as the most important of other resource like material, money and Machine or Technology. Human resources require adequate planning to function like any other technique of information, data containing human resources of an organization must be collected from the environment which may be both internal or external. Human resource management involves managerial function that focuses on the links between employers and their organization in terms of recruitment, training development individual and employee relation of health and safety, work force and redrnderey according to Morgan Wilfred (1998)

According to Morgan Fluke (1960), Human resources planning embraces dispute settlement, health and safety, wages and salary negotiation, Job evaluations and welfare schemes as well as promotion and motivation. It is on this aspect of personal administration and motivation that we shall focus on. It is closely relented to Labor productivity it is in this aspect of the administrative scheme that we talk of motivation only the human resources needs motivate to operate speeding on the importance of motivation in an organization, Toti Toti (1981) observed that from time to time in organization, it is imperative to access the performance of Labour with regards to the objectives of the enterprise as a whole. To achieve this he added it is necessary to stimulate Labour with physical gifts and realizable promises to enable them contribute willingly to the achievement of organization goals. Further on the same assertion Muoha Otanka (1968) noted that an organisation without active motivational strategies to energize workers towards objectivity was bound to collapse. It is on this premise that Dremarker U.C. (1975) submitted that where there are not motivational strategies, there is no organisation.

Helisonk .R. (1988) said “To motivate is to achieve results; achieving results means men at work”. Ansa .G (1966) noted that it is imperative for an organisation to at the resources of the organisation towards achieving goals. To Adewusi .J. (1992) every organisation should strive to get to the top by using the resources at its disposal to achieve organisation goals. To do this, motivation has to be optimized. Agwu A. (1993) Likaned motivation to an engine oil that lubricates a revolving wheel, the absence of which makes the wheel and so the entire motor to stop. He particularly called it is internal development upon which the enlargement of the whole enterprise hinges.

A very good aspect of the human resources management is the concept of development of the human person. According to Peter Drucker (1978), the higher needs of Maslow’s theory of need refers to the situation when the worker feels highly developed. Another aspect of development we know has to do with learning, which is a vital aspect of human resource development. For the worker to acquire learning, he has to go to school, be engaged in job training, attend seminars as well as workshop.

Appolos J. (1984) said “Learning is inevitably continuos”. He stated that if one was tired of learning, he is dead. Therefore a Learner’s perspective of human resource development has to embrace the fact that efforts geared towards realizing full objectivity must simultaneously aim at training the employee for efficiently. It is here we understand that human resource management is a conscientious step towards achieving objectivity by any enterprise. It must be planned for organised, directed and controlled. The ability to learn however differs from person to person. That is why any teaching process has to be patient with the learning process. Also according to Philip Duke (1983), human resource management focuses on recruitment and selection, promotion and transfer, on-the-job training as well as personnel records. Each of these requires tactical handling and cells for commensurate planning and adequate controlling.
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