Key Features:
- No of Pages: 55
- No of Chapters: 5
- Tables
- Well Detailed information
The study investigates the factors affecting the publicity and public relation in Kano state library board. A total number of one hundred (100) copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents and ninety four (94) copies were returned and find useful for the study. All data were categorised and analysed using tables, frequency, and simple percentage for data analysis. The study reveal that majority of respondents were aware of publicity and public relations in Kano State library board and the performance of the publicity and public relations in Kano State library board is fair. It also reveals that purpose of publicity and public relations in Kano State library board are publication, public awareness, dissemination report, and the library uses or create good publicity and public relations through various purposes which include television, radio, newspapers, annual report, seminars, posters flayers and bulleting. However, the major challenges affecting the effectiveness of practice of publicity and public relations in Kano State library board includes the following lack of financial support, lack of motivation, inadequate education and training, irregularity, ignorance and qualification of the public relation practitioners or officers. It was also recommended that since it has been established that information creates knowledge and knowledge helps to shape opinion, then adequate communication infrastuctural facilities should be put in place for organised clear cut two way communication flow of consistent nature, this will go a long way in fostering better relationships among different parties.
Table of Content:
Title Page
Certification/Approval Page
Table of Contents
1.0 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problems
1.3 Research Question
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.5 Scope and Limitations of this Study
1.7 Definition of Research Terms
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Concept of Public Relation and Publicity
2.2 Historical Development of Publicity and Public Relations in Nigeria
2.3 Public Relation and Publicity in Libraries
2.4 Functions of Public Relations
2.5 Importance of Public Relations in Academic Libraries
2.6 The Circulation of Librarian on the Enhancement of Library Publicity and Usage
2.7 Factors Inhibiting the Effectiveness of Publicity Public Relations in Developing Countries
2.8 Summary of the Review
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population of the Study
3.3 Sampling Techniques and Sample Size
3.4 Method of data Collection Instrument
3.5 Administration of Research Instrument
3.6 Data Analysis
4.0 Introduction
SECTION �A�: Demographic Data
SECTION B: Awareness Of Publicity And Public Relations
SECTION C: Purpose Of Publicity And Public Relations
SECTION D: Challenges affecting the effective practice of publicity and public relations services delivery
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Summary of the Study
5.2 Summary of the Major Findings
5.4 Recommendations
Libraries have been evolving over the years as a result of its dynamic nature, finding various ways of keeping up with the ever changing trend of its environment and the increasing information needs of its clientele as well as their expectations (Bradley, A. & McDonald, M. 2011). Libraries are social institutions created to conserve knowledge; preserve the human cultural heritage and provide information. Today, according to Aguolu and Aguolu (2002:2), the library is conceived not as an archive or a reading room but as the foyer of living ideas that permeate and animate all aspect of national life. The term library is often taken to equate public library. However, there is a huge variety of other kinds of libraries, fulfilling different purposes and serving different clients groups.
Public libraries therefore, are those libraries that serve everyone in the community. Public libraries typically provide services free of charge to anyone who wishes to use them, although lending is often restricted to residents of the locality. Many provides literacy programmes, reader development promotions and act as an information point for the availability of local public services. Typically they collect and perverse a wide range of materials relating to the history and development of the locality. Special services have been developed to serve the needs of particular group such as children (including story telling programmes), housebound peoples and the visually impaired, public libraries in particular strive to service all sections of their communities without discrimination.
Aguolu and Aguolu (2002:46) pointed out that the 1949 UNESCO manifesto of public library portrays a public library as a living force for popular democracy and a practical demonstration of democracy's faith in universal education as a life-long process. Public libraries complements the formal educational institutions by assisting adults no longer of school age or out-of-school in developing their attitude, extending their knowledge and awareness of the world and by acquiring and needed technical or vocational skills. The services of the public library are provided on the basis of equality of access for all regardless of age, race, sex, religion nationality language or social status. Therefore by its nature, the public library is a general library and is expected to have the resources needed to satisfy the information needs of the various interests and groups in the community.
Public relations, rightly understood and rightly administered can become the means by which the community knows and appreciates the existence of the library. Public relations according to the public relation society of America is the art of telling the whole story its objective, accomplishments, problems, even failures in order to reach various ends.
According to Kanu, (1975), Public Relations effectiveness is defined by two major elements maintaining a positive reputation and the relationship with an organizations various stakeholders/publics. Kanu, (1975) also underscore that Public Relations must have an effective role in the management of reputation or relationships The adaption of the relationship perspective opens ways to manifest the bottom-line impact of Public Relations programms. And enables the evaluation of Public Relations activities to extend beyond the financial out come and embrace standards that measure broader success in the community such as customer and employee satisfaction (Wilson 2000. P. 25).
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