Key Features:
No of pages:94
Fraud is an inherent vice. It has been on from time
immemorial even before the invention of money. However, in our yet
developing world with the quest to become rich quick on the increase,
fraud is becoming rather rampant.
Banks deal essentially in cash and
other financial instruments and because of that it has been exposed to
greater risk of fraud. The attention of many have been drawn to the
banks either directly or indirectly. Most people/workers look up to the
banks to rise up to their problems. With such motives some workers go to
the banks disappointed. Not getting so much as thought, most of them
decide to make away with what they can at the slightest opportunity.
Nigeria’s depressed economy also comes to mind. Fraudulent persons
often connive with bank officials to dupe the banks. Telex fraud is also
a new dimension.
In writing this project I am very conscious of the
much work that has been done in this very project. I am going into this
research bearing the following objectives in mind, determining actually
whether financial fraud exist in Nigerian banks, verifying the effects
of financial fraud in banks, finding out how computer aid in the
commission, detection and prevention of financial fraud, reviewing the
work that has already been done in area of financial fraud.
project will be based on both primary and secondary data interview
questions were used to ascertain the true instruments of the analysis.
Under secondary data magazines, news papers and published books were
used. Responses to the questionnaires were analyzed in percentages, this
will enable the researcher to assign and give percentage weight to each
alternative in order to make a good comparative analysis and to choose
the alternative with the highest percentage.
Table of Content:
Title page ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
Abstracts ix
Proposal xi
1.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Significance of the study 4
1.4 Objectives of the study 5
1.5 Formulation of hypothesis 6
1.6 Scope of the study 8
Review of Related Literature
2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Definition of fraud 11
2.3 Fraud and fraudulent practices and banking services 13
2.4 Nature and types of frauds 15
2.5 Causes of Bank Fraud 22
2.6 Effects of fraud in banks 34
2.7 Loopholes in the banking system 35
2.8 Who are fraudsters in banks? 40
2.9 The fate of depositors in case of bank financial 43
2.10 Effects of computer on detention and prevention of financial fraud in Nigeria banks 45
2.11 Measures for controlling fraud in banks 47
Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Sources of Data 52
3.2 Location of Data 53
3.3 Method of Investigation 54
3.4 Interview Questions 54
3.5 Sample used 57
3.6 Method of data analysis 59
Data presentation and analysis
4.1 Data Presentation 60
4.2 Respondents to Questionnaire 60
4.3 Test of hypothesis 66
The research findings
5.1 Summary of findings 73
5.2 Conclusion 75
5.3 Recommendations 76
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