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Conflict Management in the Niger Delta

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No of Pages: 75
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Table of Content:
Chapter One: The Niger Delta; its people, cultures and values. This chapter provides a brief historic background of the Niger Delta people.
Chapter Two: The Nature of Niger delta crisis (2003 to 2011). This chapter provides the analysis of the agitation move from peaceful on to insurgence in the region.
Chapter Three: The military option that escalates the crisis.
Chapter Four: The Amnesty Programme
Chapter Five: Conclusion
The Niger Delta area is the most fragile region in Nigeria. The presence of oil and gas in the region makes it the goose that lays the golden egg, thus making the region the center of economic and political activities in the country.

The Niger Delta was a foremost part of the area later to be called Nigeria and incorporated into the Atlantic world economy from the 16th century. Thus, the region developed a monetized economy and become ahead of contemporary developments in others part of the future Nigeria, leading to a substantial degree of prosperity and the development of a proud culture in the region. This rare feat constitutes the basis for the formation of own identity.
However, the struggle for self determination and proper distribution of resources among groups within the region and Nigerians ethnic group started with the formation and consolidation of the Nigeria colonial state from the 1940’s. This struggle became inevitable because Niger Delta is a dispersal of small ethnic groups which were force together with predatory and dominant majority ethnic groups.

This minority question was never addressed before Nigeria got her independence in 1960 despite The Henry Commission of 1956 that attempted to solve the issue of minority. The point here is to present a fact that the Niger Delta crisis is rooted in the foundation and structure of the Nigeria state. Over the years the question has contributed greatly to the emergence of violence in Niger Delta region over oil and mineral resources. The insurgency in Niger Delta whether oil or crude oil benefit bother on the foundation and structure of Nigeria state.

These works examine the Niger Delta people before 1960. The research contends that before independence, the people of the region live in peace despite some record of conflict among the ethnic groups in Niger Delta region. The origin of crisis in Niger Delta region and also took a look at the attempt at addressing the crisis through military option to peaceful means.

The aims and objectives of this study include:
To examine as baseline study that Niger Delta people and the extent to which it relates with others.
To examine the Genesis of the crisis of agitation in the region and how it affects the Nigeria state.
To examine the military option which hitherto escalate the Niger Delta crisis to insurgence in the country.
To examine the nature of the conflict as it portents to undermine the economy of Nigeria.
To identify and evaluate the amnesty programmes as relevant approach in addressing the Niger Delta struggle.

The Niger Delta question is an important discourse in Nigeria today. This is so because of the discovery of oil in the region, thus making the region the life wire of the country economy. Over the years resource has turn to serious issue as a result of the neglect of the region. The distribution and the development oil has led to violence and armed conflict between the people and the federal government.
The relevance of this study is to investigate into the genesis of the problem and provide a framework for a critical analysis of why it is important to ensure that the amnesty idea is the best possible solution to the resolution of the crisis. This work will provide first hand information for further research.

In the course of research for this work relevant data and information were obtained from the main sources. These were primary and secondary source.

Primary Sources:

Primary sources which were utilized in the course of the research for this work from archival research. Material was consulted at the Edo State Library, Benin City, Benin Institute of Studies, Benin City and the national archive at Ibadan. They include intelligence report other documents relating to this works.
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