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An Evaluation Of Communication Effectiveness Between Managers And Employees (A Case Study Of Life Breweries Limited Onitsha)

Type Project Topics
Faculty Administration
Course Business Administration
Price ₦3,000
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Key Features:
- No of Pages: 33

- No of Chapters: 03
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NECO June/July 2024 - Get offline past questions & answers - Download objective & theory, all in one app 48789


This project is written with the intention of bringing communication effectiveness between managers and employees to reality.

Since no function in business is consistently more dynamic than management communication system, it is based on experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of communication between managers and employees, whether it is done orally written, electronically or otherwise.

As a matter of fact, the primary objective of this work describe the signification of accurate communication system in decision making.

The first chapter of this project explains the need for communication effectiveness between managers and employees; which could lead toward the attainment of the business objective and goals.

The second chapter looks at the meaning and principle of effectiveness communication as a guard to organization success. It also looks at the various method and channels of communication. It further looks at the barriers and roles of communication, point out some attributes that communication should have to be of value to the decision of the organization.

Chapter three deals with the presentation of questionnaire distribution, analysis of the communication response, finding, conclusion, and recommendations that would lead to the successful communication link of organization objective and set goals.

Table of Content

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1 General background to the subject matter

1.2 Problem associated with The subject matter

1.3 Problems that the study Will be concern with

1.4 The important of studying The area

1.5 Reference of important terms

Reference using APA method

Chapter two

2.0 Literature review

2.1 The origin of the subject area

2.2 School of thought with the subject area

2.3 The school of thought Relevant to the problem of study

2.4 Different methods of Studying the problem

2.5 Summary


Chapter three

3.0 Conclusion

3.1 Data presentation (highlight of the study)

3.2 Analysis of the data

3.3 Recommendation

3.4 Conclusion




The term communication is a word that so many people give different meaning on how one look at it, meaning can include the equipment used in the passing of information like telegram, telephone, television, radio etc. Others can take it to mean the communication system in the organization such as the grapevine, compliant box, grievance procedure and the formal chain of command. Communication function can be said to be the means by which organization organizes activities and make them to be united. Communication can also be said to be the means by which social input are fed into social system behaviour modified change effected. Information makes production effective to achieve goal at the end.

The word management simply means managing or being managed. Manager means a person who controls a business or an affair. In an enterprise where there is more than one participant have to communicate his/her ideas to others, to enable them achieve the objective. Individual can communicate to others through different ways and these lives to the means of communication. Therefore we have verbal and Nonverbal means of communication. Verbal communication includes written communication like letter, report, memo, and article. While Non-Verbal communication includes facial expression, gesture, posture, physical, characteristic, artifacts touching etc.

Communication is one of the basic organizational problems. Effective communication in an organization breed motivation and high morals on employee which increases productivity and portability which are the major objective of any organization. In any organization where there is no effective communication as a means of elaborating, gathering, evaluating recording and disseminating information which means that communication is the life wire of an organization. Again without communication no management and the only way an organization can maintain contract is through communication. Life Breweries Company Ltd have been going through the problems of effective communication, therefore a proper look into this communication system relevant to enable and compete on its way of growth and survival. To avoid dispute between management and employee, there is need for effective communication.
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