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An Effective Managerial Control- A Give To Organizational Control. (A Case Study Of Emnite Nig. Ltd)

Type Project Topics
Faculty Administration
Course Business Administration
Price ₦3,000
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Key Features:
- No of Pages: 63

- No of Chapters: 05
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NECO June/July 2024 - Get offline past questions & answers - Download objective & theory, all in one app 48789
Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts


Traditionally, business has been considered as an economic institution, which has developed a common unique measurement of efficiency-profit. It is therefore plausible to assume profit maximization as a mutual business objective. This objectives was rejected because it was unrealistic difficult, in appropriate and immoral. To wealth maximization, the decision-making authority lies in the hands of management usually, management is concentrated in the hand of a few, who decisions are carried out by vast number of employees. This idea of delegating, authorizing and subletting in decision making process calls for control to ensure effective implemented of its policies by use at most times they are far from the sceus of operation. Therefore, there has to be mechanism by which the operational and financial policies are implemented with out management having to personally supervise every activity and transaction.

In terms of organization, the work is divided into five chapters, chapter one is an introductory analysis consisting background of the study, statement of problem, objectives of the state significance, scope organization, definition of terms and brief history of the company.

Chapter two reviews the opinion expressed by authors in diverse but related literature. The feature, division and relationship between managed control and the organizational objectives have been treated here. n50 covered all areas that managerial control can help as an effective guide to organizational objectives and the concerned with the research design and methodology. Here the sources of primary data and secondary data. Interview question and method of investigation had been put down

Also the sample used and method of analysis of data has been dealt with,

Chapter four, based on findings from theoretical review of some assumptions shall be made in form of hypothesis. When data considered enough from this work was gathered these hypothesis 9two of them) were tested and validated, using relevant statistics.

Finally, chapter five takes a look at the findings, conclusion based on the finding and recommendations.

Table of Content


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Statement of problem

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.4 Significant of the study

1.5 Scope of the study

1.6 Definition of terms

1.7 Brief history of the company


2.0 Review of Related Literature

2.1 Definition of Management Control

2.2 PIRO and Management

2.3 Guideline for managerial success

2.4 Principles of management

2.1 Applying principle of management

2.2 Plan of organization

2.3 Areas that managerial control can help

2.4 Organizational objectives

2.5 Limitation of management control


3.0 Research design and methodology

3.1 Sources of data

3.2 Sources of primary data

3.3 Sources of secondary data


4.1 Data analysis

4.2 Summary of results


5.1 Findings

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendations



The concept of managerial control has developed gradually over the years. Impetus for such development came from both management and organization. Organization has recognized managerial control as a valuable tool in effectively carrying out its responsibility and management have pressed for improvement in managerial control in the in effort to be of assistance to their Claire as well as to permit reductions in organization work made possible by the commitment increase in the credibility of the accounting records.

Management is most important because it deals with establishing and achieving objectives. Management means is not only for identifying, analyzing and deciding goals to be accomplished, but also for assembling effectively the talents of people and utilizing material resources in management is found in almost every human activity. Management exists to some in factory, office, school, bank store, labour using church, armed forces, hospital or income. In factory, university of management among enterprises. The hurdlers be overcome in outing the work to be done. For the practical and operating viewpoint, a manager is expected to spell out objectives, giving adequate regard for the various constraint which the goals must be achieved.

To achieve an objective, there is inevitably the bringing together of available basic resources including men and women, materials, machine, methods,. Money and markets. Refereed to by some as the six ms of management, these resources are brought together and related harmoniously so that the sought end result may be accomplished, all within the predetermined constraints of time effect and cost. Management bears the responsibility to establish and maintain a system of organizational control. It is therefore the responsibility of management to decide on the extent of the control system. The nature and extent of controls vary between an enterprise also from one part of an enterprise to another. The control used will depend on the nature, size and volume of the transactions, the degree of control which members of management are able to exercise personally, the geographical distribution of the enterprise and many the factors. The choice of controls may reflect a comparison of cost of operating individual control against the benefits expected to be derived from them.
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