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2021 WAEC Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK) Theory Explain any five of the following Hadith terminologies : →Muttafaqa'Alayhi →Sahih →Hasan →Daif →Gbarib →Mashhur...

Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK)
WAEC 2021

Explain any five of the following Hadith terminologies :

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→Muttafaq'Alaih: (Agreed upon) A hadeeth accepted by both Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim and included in their respective Saheeh collections.

→Sahih Hadith
A sahih hadith is a hadith that has a connected chain of transmission, each narrator being upright in character, exacting, and reliable in his narration and transmission.
Ruling: There is consensus among the 'ulema that a sahih hadith is evidence for all types of rulings, such as legal rulings, and tenants of faith (with further conditions).

→Hassan Hadith
A hassan hadith is a hadith which has a connected chain of transmission, by narrators who are upright and exacting, but who's exactness is less than the exactness found in a sahih hadith, and which is free from irregularities or serious flaws.
Ruling: Like the sahih hadith, the fuqaha (jurists) and most of the muhadithun accept that the hassan hadith can also be used for evidence. For this reason, some Imams of hadith, such as al Hakim and Ibn Hibban include hassanahadith with sahih hadith, while still acknowledging its lesser rank to the sahih.

→Da'if Hadith
A da'if hadith is a hadith which does not fulfil the conditions of the sahih or hassan hadith.
Ruling: There is a difference of opinion between the 'ulema on the ruling on acting upon weak hadiths. The reliable opinion is that weak hadiths can be acted upon for virtuous supererogatory deeds (fada'il al a'mal), for religious exhortation, and stories, and similar things that are not connected to legal rulings and tenants of belief.
It should also be noted that the meaning conveyed in a weak hadith may still be considered sound and supported by other related texts.

→A gharib hadith is one conveyed by only one narrator

The first category is mashhur ( meaning: famous). This refers to hadith conveyed by three or more narrators but not considered mutawatir

A hadith that is mawḍūʻ is one determined to be fabricated and cannot be attributed to its origin. Al-Dhahabi defines mawḍūʻ as a hadith of which the text contradicts established norms of the Prophet's sayings or of which the reporters include a liar.

→A hadith described as munqaṭiʻ ( meaning: disconnected) is one in which the chain of people reporting the hadith (the isnād) is disconnected at any point. The isnād of a hadith that appears to be muttaṣil but one of the reporters is known to have never heard hadith from his immediate authority, even though they lived at the same time, is munqaṭiʻ. It is also applied when someone says "A man told me..."

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