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2022 WAEC Civic Education Theory (a). Identify five qualities an individual must possess to be qualified as a responsible parent. (b). In...

Civic Education
WAEC 2022

(a). Identify five qualities an individual must possess to be qualified as a responsible parent.

(b). In what five ways do the roles of responsible parenting contribute to the upbringing of good citizens in the society?


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(a). - The first quality of a responsible parent is marrying the right person yhat the children can emulate.

- The ability to provide the basic necessities for the family is another quality of a responsible parent.

- A responsible parent must be able to notice and solve whatever emotional imbalance arising in their children.

- A responsible parent must be able to plan the nymber of children to have and are capable of catering for.

- A responsible parent must be able to adopt peaceful strategies to always keep the family going.


(b). - Teaching morality: Good citizens need to be people who act according to moral principles. Rather than being selfish or trying to deceive each other, they ought to deal in a kind and upright way with each other. Part of a parent's responsibility is ensuring that they bring up the next generation of citizens properly.

-Teaching social interactions: Being polite, making friends, and reaching out to others are all important things in society. Parents can teach children to be comfortable when socializing from an early age.

-Encouraging independent thought: In a democratic society, or indeed in any society, good citizenship involves expressing one's opinions, and also respecting the opinions of others. This is seen not least in the voting process. Responsible parenthood, then, also involves teaching children to respect others' opinions – and to develop their own opinions too. Tolerance of others is a true civic virtue.

-Appreciating the society: Children will not grow up to become responsible citizens unless they appreciate the society in which they live. Thus, part of responsible parenting may well include taking children out to enjoy public parks, theatre productions and so on in the city.

-Becoming responsible parents too: Our parenting style will often inspire our children when they become parents in their turn. So, being responsible parents is so important if we want our children to become responsible parents in their own right. In so doing, we become part of an established tradition of good parenting that helps to shape our society to get better and better.

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