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2018 WAEC Animal Husbandry Theory (a) Name four parts of the reproductive system of each of the following farm animals:...

Animal Husbandry
WAEC 2018

(a) Name four parts of the reproductive system of each of the following farm animals: (i) bull; (ii) hen.

(b) Give one function of each of the parts named in 3(a).

(c) Describe the process of cassava tuber in the mouth of a pig.

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(a) Parts of the reproductive system of:

(i) bull

- seminal vesicle

- testis

- spermatic cord

- scrotum

- urethra

- penis

- epididymis

-  vas deferens

- cowper's gland

- prostate gland

(ii) Hen

- Ovary/oval/ovum

- shell gland/uterus

- Funnel/ infundibulum/Fallopian tube Vagina Sphincter

- magnum/ampulla

- Vagina


-  Sphincter

- Cloaca

(b) Functions of parts named


Testis: sperm production, secretion of hormones

Scrotum: covers the testis and regulates the temperature of the testis

Urethra: passage for semen /sperm

Penis: copulatory organ, discharge and deposition of semen into reproductive organ of female.

Epididymis: transportation, concentration and storage of semen

Vas deferens: passage for sperm/semen into urethra

Seminal ‘Vesicle: produces a sugar rich fluid (fructose) for energy

Spermatic cord: supplies blood, nutrient and oxygen

Cowper's gland: secretes fluid that lubricates the urethra and neutralises acidity caused by the residual drops of urine.

Prostate gland: increases the volume of the ejaculate; helps to nourish the sperm: promotes movement of spermatozoon


Ovary: Production of ova, secretion of hormones

Funnel: Passage of ova into magnum; fertilisation of ova

Magnum: Secretion of albumen, formation of chalaza

Shell gland/uterus: Formation and deposition of shell, adds water to swell up the egg. Deposits minerals

Vagina: Copulatory organ, temporary storage of egg

Sphincter: Contracts to hold egg in vagina or relaxes to release egg into cloaca

Cloaca: Opening for laying egg

Isthmus: Secretes shell membrane, determines shape or the egg.

(C) Process of digestion of cassava tuber in the mouth of a pig

- Tuber is chewed: ground with teeth/ masticated to reduce size.

- Saliva is secreted by salivary gland.

- Food is mixed with saliva to make it soft/moist/ lubricated.

- Amylase from saliva acts to break down starch to maltose.

- Food is rolled in IT the tongue and pushed back and swallowed.

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