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20. a group of words which consists of a verb and particle. a) Clause...

20. a group of words which consists of a verb and particle. a) Clause b) Phrasal verb c)
Phrase d) Sentence
21. Phrasal Verbs are structurally divided into... a) Separable and non-separable b) Big and smal
c) Old and new d) Good and bad
...1is the last resort to understanding meaning. a) Book b) Context c) Dictionary d) Library
23. The following information can be found in dictionary, except a) Pronunciation b) Word Class
c) Definition d) Quantity
24. 'He kicked the bucket' as an idiom means...a) He died b) He played c) He falls d) He runs
26. A native speaker of a language has a/an... knowledge of his/her language. a) Intuitive b)..
Good c) Endowed d) Pragmatic
27. The word 'lion' connotes a)Sadness b) Fear c) Fight d) Strength
29. Etymology means...a) Origin b) structure c) rule d) class
30. Literary Writings use ... meaning . a)Connotative b)Denotative c) grammatical d) pragmatic
28. 'Look for as a phrasal verb means to.. a)
Search b) write c) appreciate d) go
32.The environment in which a word is used is called
a) place b) context c) location d) area
31. ...phrasal verbs do not allow for the insertion of object between verb and particle. a)grammatical b) separable c) non separable d) idiomatic a relationship of oppositeness in meaning. a) Polysemy b) Grammar c) style d) antonymy a skill that translates sounds into readable codes or symbols, which are known as
alphabets. a) Reading b) Writing c) Speaking d) Listening
34. The following are essentials of a good writing except a) Legibility b) Coherence c) Clumsiness
d) Logicality
which talks about the main idea of the paragraph.
a) Topic sentence b) Controlling sentence c) Subject sentence d) Object sentence
36. Essays are made up of how many parts? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
35. A good paragraph must have a ... which talks about the main idea of the paragraph
37. -------is a type of essay that gives a clear picture of a situation or an event, including its
outlooks, behavior etc and therefore uses adverbs, adjectives and figures of speech.
a) Narrative essay b) Descriptive essay c) Expository essay d) Argumentative essay
38. The type of essay that requires the writer to either persuade, prove a point or discuss problems by giving various sides of the argument is known as
a) Narrative essay b) Descriptive essay
c) Expository essay d) Argumentative essay
39. A type of letter is determined by all of the following except a) Tone b) Purpose c) Physical
properties d) Skill
40. All but one of the following are examples of a formal letter. a) Letter of Greetings b) Letter of
Application c) Letter of Complaints d) Letter of Acknowledgements.
41. In letter writing, the...
of the writer is written at the top right-hand side of the page. a) Name
b) Address c) Signature d) Opinion
42. The expression of short greeting with which the wIiter opens his or her letter is called
a) Simulation b) Subscription c) Salutation
d) Greeting

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