Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) shortlisted applicants for the 72nd Regular admission screening test have been made available. Shortlisted applicants are to proceed to log in to the portal and select their Screening Centres and print their screening test cards.
The list of shortlisted candidates can be viewed on the pdf file below.
Please note that only the shortlisted applicants (those who met all the requirements, scored 180 or above in JAMB, filled their applications correctly and uploaded their documents) would have access to login and select their screening centres.
Centre Selection/Printing of Screening Test Cards would close by 11.59pm on Tuesday, 14th July 2020
Applicants must select their centres and printout all forms before then. For list of the screening centres, CLICK HERE
The date for the screening test and not yet been decided due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting ban on interstate travel. Please, regularly check the website for information on the screening test date.
While waiting for the new entrance exam date, ensure to prepare adequately for the screening test with the NDA Post-UTME screening Past questions.
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