The ITET Gem Foundation is pleased to announce the second edition of its Essay Competition. The topic of this year’s ITET Gem essay competition is “Making Nigeria an Economic Powerhouse: My Ideas for Today and Vision for the Future”. Essay entries should be between 500 and 750 words, and should detail – in no particular order – the young applicant’s perception of Nigeria’s current economic realities, his or her vision for an economically vibrant Nigeria, proposals for beginning to untangle economic challenges today, and what role he or she is willing and able to play (both now and in the future) to actualize those ideas for today and visions for the future.
To be eligible to submit an essay entry for the ITET Gem Essay Competition, you must be:
Prizes and Rewards for Winners of the ITET Gem Essay Competition
First prize: N150,000.00
Second prize: N100,000.00
Third prize: N50,000.00
How to Apply for the ITET Gem Essay Competition
All essays should be submitted by email to on or before the deadline 24th June 2024.
For more information, visit
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