We will now be promoting certain members of the Myschool Website, who have distinguished themselves, by genuinely helping other students, by providing concise solutions to questions asked by users. We're now introducing Bronze, Silver and Gold Contributors.
This is for those who are already being paid to answer questions on Myschool. If you're not yet familiar with our programme that Pays you to answer questions on Myschool, please click here to read more. We won't cover that topic here.
We have noticed some members on our website, who are providing awesome answers to questions posted by users on our website. Based to their dedication to helping answer users' questions on the Myschool Website, we will now offer them more money per solution provided.
We cherish Members who are passionate about helping other students solve their problems, and so we will now reward them as follows;
Anyone who currently provides solutions to questions, and earns from Myschool falls under the Bronze Contributor.
Upgrading your earning power is done manually by the Myschool Staff, who grades the answers you provided from the links you submit to us via email. If you want to learn more about how to get paid when you answer questions on Myschool, please click here to read more. We won't cover that topic here.
The Myschool Staff looks at;
Once you have been singled out as being outstanding in your solutions, your name is submitted to the senior administrators, who review your account and approve your promotion.
Once your promotion is approved, subsequent answers/solutions you provide will have a minimum of the contributor range. e.g. The minimum you would earn as a Gold Contributor for any answer/solution you provide is N20 per answer. You however, still have to be the first to answer the question correctly to earn it. If your answer is awesome, you will earn as much as N30. It's that simple.
This procedure is still done manually, until we're sure this is a programme we can sustain. Once we're sure, we will build a system for it. The basic way to know you have been promoted is via email. Once we promote you, we will notify you in response to one of your mails requesting us to grade your answers provided. If you were graded with Silver or Gold Contributor Status, we will let you know.
This is just one of the ways we're giving back to our members, who have been there for us.
If you'll like to learn more about this programme, or you're just getting to know about it, please click here to read more.
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