Following the commencement of the 2023/2024 academic session's admission of candidates by the Benue State University, it has become necessary to acquaint applicants with some important details regarding the JAMB policy guidelines on acceptance of offer of admissions on the Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS).
2. The Guidelines for the 2023 Admissions Exercise in 15.0 (Forfeiture of Choice Candidates and Admission Timelines), 15.3 specifically states that: "There would be a grace period of four (4) weeks within which all approved admissions on CAPS must be accepted by candidates. Failure to which such admission will be deleted, and the candidate placed under the "refusal to accept category" punishable by ineligibility to be admitted again."
3. The implication of the above provision is that JAMB has activated/automated deletion of admission on CAPS beginning with the 2023 admissions. Candidates who fail to accept their offer of admission within four weeks from the date of approval, risk automatic deletion with the accompanying sanctions as stated in 2) above. The institution shall thereafter be at liberty to replace such candidates/vacancies, accordingly.
4. The import of this press release is to educate and advise applicants to regularly check their admission status on CAPS in order to accept their offer and print admission letters.
5. Printing of admission letter marks the end of admission processes by the three stakeholders of admission exercise (JAMB, institutions and candidates).
6. Candidates and the general public are to note that, JAMB has commenced approval of recommended Merit List admissions by the Benue State University. Applicants are therefore to proceed and check their status on JAMB portal for necessary actions, please.
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