We are glad to inform you that, following the recent fire outbreak in our lCT department, which led to a temporary disruption of our internet services, we have succcesfully restored full functionality.
However, the Registration Portal will open later in the day. Meanwhile, 200 Level students can use their Credo while the 300 Level and above can use their Crodo or
Eranzact platforms to make their payment for the second Semester. Payment guarantees your accommodaion and meal preferences, once the Registration Poral opens later today.
NOTE: IT MUST BE EMPHASIZED TO PARENTS AND STUDENTS THAT YOU MUST COMPLY STRICTLY with your resumption schedule as regards the days and levels Violation of resumption schedule will NOT BE TREATED LIGHTLY, For avoidance of doubt and further clarification, kindly find the schedule below
I. MONDAY, January 13, 2025
I00, 500,& 600 level studcnts.
II. TUESDAY, January 14, 2025
200 level students.
III. WEDNESDAY, January 15, 2025
300 & 400 level students.
IV. Classes begin on THURSDAY, January 16,2025 for all 200-600L students
By this information, Babcock is absolved of any blame from ignoring those who fail to ADHERE to this
schedule. We seek your cooperation
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