This post is dedicated to all JAMB candidates scheduled to take the exam on April 19th. All other candidates are also welcome to monitor the Nationwide progress of the 1st Day of JAMB 2024 UTME from here. We have created this post for you to interact with one another regarding the exam. You can share ideas, experiences, and suggestions you believe will help you all scale through the exam successfully. We will create another publication for you to share your experiences and questions/answers you remember after the exam.
Please make sure you are at your various exam centres, at least 30 mins before the time given on your slip. Also, ensure you take the necessary items to the examination hall like copies of your exam slip and a pencil in case you need one. Please also CLICK HERE to see a list of items you should not take to the exam hall.
This publication will equally serve as a medium for candidates scheduled for the exam to give live updates. Report anything happening right from the moment you get to the exam centre until the time you are about to step into the examination hall. We understand you won’t be allowed to get into the hall with your phones, so your real-time (Live!) updates may end the moment it’s your turn for the Biometric verification.
When providing us with your update, please indicate the State and the name of the exam centre you are reporting from. This will enable JAMB officials and other candidates to note the centres that are having issues and what the issues are, to provide relevant solutions.
After your exam, do not fail to come back here to share your experiences, questions and your answer selections as we will be launching another post for you to share your experiences and questions. So try to note your experiences and share them after the exams. If you can memorize some of the questions to share with others, that would also be great.
For those that are yet to write, you need to get your own JAMB CBT Mobile App or the JAMB CBT Computer Software to carry out final preparations before your exams, and also to get future notifications as it concerns your 2024 post-UTME and Admission Process.
Ensure you keep your items safe! Your phones, bags, money etc. Please note that not everyone, who comes to the hall came for the exam. Some people are just natural thieves. They steal at every opportunity.
We wish you all the best in your exam.
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