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Physical Education Syllabus from JAMB

The aim of Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination 2025 in Physical & Health Education is to prepare the candidates for the Board's examination. It is designed to test their achievement in the course objectives, which are to:
1. Acquire basic knowledge and practical skills in motor activities, fitness, body maintenance and self-
2. Acquire basic knowledge required to practice positive health habits and maintenance of health; 3. Understand relationship between human movement and biological, physical and social sciences; 4. Appreciate ecological relationship between man and his environment with a view to preventing the spread of diseases;
5. Stimulate and sustain their interest in Physical and Health Education.




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1 Principles, meaning, scope and philosophy of Physical Education (PE)
a. Definition, nature, scope and objectives of PE.
b. Philosophy of the Founding Fathers of PE (Hetherington, Dudley Sergent, Thomas Wood, John Dewey).
c. History and Development of PE in
i. ancient Greece (Sparta, Athens) and Rome.
ii. Pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial eras in Nigeria.

Candidates should be able to:
i. state the meaning, nature, objectives and scope of PE;
ii. narrate the philosophy of the Founding Fathers:
iii. trace the historical development of PE in ancient Greece, Rome and Nigeria.
iv. trace the origin and development of the ancient Greek festivals (Isthmian, Pythian, Nemian and the Olympian).

2 Philosophy, objectives and settings of Health Education
a. Meaning, philosophy and objectives of Health Education
b. Settings of Health Education
i. home-based
ii. school-based
iii. community based
iv. health facility-based
v. workplace-based
c. Meaning of Health Promotion

Candidates should be able to:
i. define health education;
ii.state the philosophy and objectives of health education;
iii. differentiate between the meanings of health promotion and health education.






1 Cells, Tissues and Systems of the Human Body
a. Structure and functions of a typical human cell
b. Types of cell and tissue - Epithelial, connective, muscle and nerve.
c. Cell division and differentiation - mitosis, meiosis
d. Organs and systems of the human body.

Candidates should be able to:
i. Identify cell structures and their functions
ii. identify types of cells, tissues, organs and systems in humans;
iii. differentiate between mitosis and
iv. explain cell differentiation
v. list organs and systems in human body

2 Skeletal system
a. Axial and appendicular skeletons and their functions
b. Bones and joints involved in movement i. Structure and types of bone ii. Structure and types of joint iii. Movements at the joints

Candidates should be able to:
i. identify the structure of the human skeleton and their functions;
ii. identify types of bone that make up the human skeleton;
iii. differentiate types of joint using
appropriate examples;
iv. identify the different kinds of movement permitted at joints.

3 Muscular System
a. Major muscles of the body and their functions
b. Isometric and Isotonic contractions

Candidates should be able to:
i. identify by name and location the major muscles in human;
ii. state the functions of major muscles in human;
iii. differentiate between isometric and isotonic contractions

4 Nervous System and Sense organs
a. The structures and functions of the central nervous system (Brain and Spinal Cord)
b. Types of nerve voluntary, involuntary (simple reflex action)
c. Structure and functions of the sense
-Skin (tactile/touch) -Nose (olfactory/Smell) -Tongue (taste)
-Ear (auditory/hearing) -Eye (sight)

Candidates should be able to:
i. Identify the structures of the central nervous system;
ii. explain the functions of the central nervous system in the body; iii. state the types of nerve;
iv. describe reflex action with specific examples;
v. describe the structure of the sense organs and their functions.

5 Circulatory System
a. Structure and functions of the heart and vessels;
b. Composition and functions of blood
c. Types of blood circulation (Systemic and pulmonary)

Candidates should be able to:
i. draw and label the heart;
ii. compare the specific functions of the arteries, veins and capillaries;
iii. identify the components of blood; iv.state the functions of blood;
v. describe the systemic and pulmonary circulations;

6 Respiratory System                                                                        
a. Structure and functions of the respiratory organs -nose, trachea and lung
b. Process of respiration -inspiration and expiration
Tissue and cellular respiration

Candidates should be able to:
i. describe the structure of the respiratory organs and state their functions;
ii. explain the processes of inspiration and expiration;
iii. explain cellular and tissue respiration.

7 Excretory System
a. Structure and functions of the kidney, skin and excretory functions of  lungs;
b. Formation of excretory products —urine, sweat and carbon dioxide.

Candidates should be able to:
i. identify the structure of the kidney, skin;
ii. state the functions of the kidney, skin and excretory functions of lungs;
iii. explain the processes of formation of urine, sweat and carbon dioxide.

8 Somatotypes and Posture
a. Description of endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph;
b. Relationship between body types and physical activities.
c. Definition and characteristics of correct posture;
d. Types of postural defect-flatfoot,
scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
e. Causes and corrective measures of postural defects.

Candidates should be able to:
i. describe the various body types; ii. relate body types to performance of physical activities;
iii. define and state the characteristics of good posture.
iv.explain the types of postural defects; v. state the causes of postural defects, for example: poor habits, accident, heredity and disease;
vi.explain the role of exercise, nutrition, good habits and medical intervention in the correction of postural defects.






Athletics (Track and Field Events)
a. Track Events
i. Short distance races/sprints -50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, hurdles and relay races.
ii. Sprints start styles-bullet/bunch, medium and elongated.
iii. Visual and non-visual baton take-over and take over zone in relay.
iv. Flight over hurdles and distancing in high and low hurdle events.
v. The start, stride and finish in middle distance races -800m and 1,500m. vi. The start, stride and finish in long
distance races -3,000m, 5,000m, 10,000m, marathon and cross-country. vii. Rules, regulation and officiating.

b. Field Events
i. Throwing events -discus, javelin and shotput.
-Facilities and equipment with specification
-Styles and techniques
-Rules, regulations and officiating -Safety measures.
ii. Jumping events -high jump, long jump, pole vault and triple jump -Facilities and equipment with specification
-Style and techniques
-Rule, regulations and officiating.

Candidates should be able to:
i. name the events that make up the shot distance/sprint races;
ii. identify starting styles in sprint races; iii. differentiate the visual and non-visual types of baton take-over;
iv. explain the relay take-over zone; v. explain the different distances and clearance in hurdling;
vi. describe the start, stride, and finish in middle and long distance races. vii. name the events that make up the middle-distance and long-distance races;
viii. differentiate the rules, regulations, and officiating as applicable to each track event.

Candidates should be able to
i. name the events that make up
throwing and jumping events;
ii. identity various facilities,
equipment, and specifications;
iii. explain the styles and techniques
in throwing and jumping events
iv. explain the rules and regulations in
throwing and jumping events;
v. discuss safety precautions in throwing events.


2 Ball Games -Football and basketball a. Skills in football and basketball
b. Facilities and equipment in football and basketball
c. Rules, regulations and officiating in football and basketball.

Candidates should be able to:
i. describe the skills in football and basketball;
ii. identify various facilities and
equipment in football and basketball; iii. identify the officials of the games of football and basketball and their functions;
iv. differentiate the rules and regulations of football and basketball.

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3 Racket Games -Table tennis and badminton a. Skills in table tennis and badminton b. Specification of facilities and
equipment in table tennis and badminton
c. Rules, regulation and officiating in table tennis and badminton.

Candidates should be able to:
i. describe the skills in table tennis and badminton;
ii. identify various facilities and
equipment in table tennis and badminton;
iii. identify the officials in table tennis and badminton and state their functions. iv. differentiate the rules and regulations of table tennis and badminton.





1 Food
a. Classes, sources and importance of food nutrients.
b. Definition and composition of balanced diet.
c. Diet planning for different groups of people -children, adolescents, athletes, pregnant women and aged;
d. Food preservation, hygiene, preservation and storage.

Candidates should be able to:
i. indicate the sources and importance of the various classes of food nutrients;
ii. define balanced diet and state its importance;
iii. draw up and specify dietary requirements for different groups of people;
iv. explain methods for food preparation, preservation and storage;
v. explain the principles of food hygiene.

2 Nutrition
a. Definition and nutritional values of beverages.
b. Common nutritional deficiencies and their remedies
c. Importance of water in human nutrition.

Candidates should be able to:
i. define nutrition and state the nutritional values of beverages;
ii. state the common nutritional deficiencies and their remedies;
iii. highlight the importance of water in human nutrition.

3 Drugs
a. Meaning and types -stimulants, narcotics, hallucinogens, sedatives, and ergogenic aids;
b. Use, misuse, and abuse;
c. Causes and prevention of drug misuse and abuse;
d. Effects of drug misuse, abuse and self- medication on the body.

Candidates should be able to:
i.define drug and state the types;
ii.differentiate between drug misuse and abuse;
iii. state causes and prevention of drug
misuse and abuse;
iv. explain the effects of drug misuse, abuse and self-medication on the body.






1 Physical fitness
a. Definition of physical fitness;
b. Components of physical fitness -health-related and performance/skill-related. c. Benefits of physical activity and exercise.

Candidates should be able to:
i. define physical fitness;
ii. outline and explain components of physical fitness;
iii. give examples of health-related and performance/skill-related components; iv. state the benefits of physical activity and exercise.

2 Conditioning Programme
a. Aerobic programme
b. Anaerobic programme
c. Strength training programme
d. Endurance training programme

Candidates should be able to:
i. differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic programmes;
ii. differentiate between strength and endurance training programme.






1 Recreation and leisure
a. Definition and importance of recreation, leisure, work and rest;
b. Types of recreational activities
i. Outdoor-jogging, swimming, cycling, watching birds, hiking, camping, picnicking.
ii. Indoor -viewing TV, video games, computer games, playing musical instruments, billiards, card games, Ayo, draught.
c. Differences between recreational activities and competitive sports.

Candidates should be able to:
i. differentiate among recreation, leisure, work, and rest;
ii. state the importance of recreation, leisure, work, and rest;
iii. mention types of recreation and give examples of each;
iv. differentiate between recreational activities and competitive sports;
v. state safety measures in recreation.

2 Dance
a. Definition and importance of dance. b. Traditional dances and dance steps from various parts of Nigeria.
c. Costumes for the various traditional dances in Nigeria.

Candidates should be able to:
i.  define dance and state its importance;
ii. identify traditional dances from various parts of Nigeria;
iii. describe the dance steps for various traditional dances in Nigeria.
iv. identify the costumes for the various traditional dances.






1 First Aid
a. Definition of first aid
b. Aims and principles of first aid c. Qualities of a first aider
d. First aid box and contents
e. Common injuries that require first aid - cuts, wound, sprain, strain, dislocation, fracture
f. Special conditions that require first aid - bleeding, burn, scald, shock, poisoning
g. Agencies/bodies involved in first aids -St. John's Ambulance, Red Cross Society
Safety Education

Candidates should be able to:
i. define first aid;
ii. state the aims and principles of first aid; iii. outline the qualities of a first aider;
iv. list the contents of the first aid box and their uses;
v.identify types of common injury;
vi.identify types of common condition that require first aid

2 Safety Education
a. Meaning and types of accident and disaster b. Causes and prevention of accident and
c. Disaster relief activities
d. Safety at home, workplace, school and

Candidates should be able to:
i. define accident and disaster;
ii. identify types of accident and disaster; iii. state the causes and prevention of
accident and disaster;
iv. identify various disaster relief activities; v. explain safety measures at home,
workplace, school and community.




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1 Sports competitions at national level a. Types of competition
i.National sports competitions organized by different Sports Federations/Associations.
ii.National sports competitions organized by Corporate Organizations
iii.Importance of the National Sports Festival
b. Organisation and administration of sports

Candidates should be able to:
i. identify by name, sports competitions organized by sports
Federations/Association and Corporate Organizations;
ii. state the importance of the National Sports Festival;
iii. highlight the organizational and administrative structures of sports competitions in Nigeria;

2 Names and roles of institutional games a. The University Games (NUGA)
b. The Polytechnic Games (NIPOGA) c. The Colleges of Education Games (NATCEGA)
d. National School Sports Games (NSSF)

Candidates should be able to:
i. state the names and roles of the different institutional games;

3 International sports competitions and the governing bodies
a. All Africa Games
i. History and evolution of All Africa Games
ii.identify the aims of the All Africa Games;
ii. Aims of All Africa Games
b. International sports governing bodies -;
Names and administrative structure of SCSA, IOC, FIFA, IAAF, ISSF, FIBA, ITTF, BWF.

Candidates should be able to:
narrate the history and evolution of the All Africa Games
i.Narrate the History and Evolution of All-African Games
ii.identify the aims of the All Africa Games; 
iv.describe the administrative structure of international governing bodies.






  1.Meaning and types of disability and special needs.
2.Adapted physical activities for people with disabilities and special needs
3.Social and emotional problems of people with special needs
4.Prevention of disability
5.Corrective exercises to rehabilitate people with special needs

Candidates should be able to:
i. define disability and describe people with special needs;
ii. identify types of disability and special need;
iii. identify physical activities for people with disabilities and special needs; iv. state the social and emotional problems of people with disabilities;
v. state preventive measures of disability; vi. state corrective exercise to rehabilitate people with special needs.






1 Personal Health
a. Meaning and importance of personal health
i. Meaning of personal health
ii. Importance of personal health
b. Personal Hygiene -care of various body parts (teeth, mouth, hair, skin, hands and nails)
c. Method of promotion and maintenance of personal health -exercise, nutrition, regular medical check-up;
d. Personal health screening
i. Eye defects and their corrections -myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism.
ii. Auditory defects and their corrections
(Otistis media, partial deafness)
iii. Dental diseases (dental caries, gingivitis)

Candidates should be able to:
i.define personal health and state its importance
ii.differentiate the care of various parts of the body
iii.state the methods of promoting and maintaining personal health
iv.state the outcome of personal health screening for the eye; ear and dental.

2 Community Health
a. Community health services -providers of health services (orthodox services, traditional services -bone setters, birth attendance)
b. Various aspects of family health -maternal and child health (ante-natal care, immunization, oral rehydration therapy, breast feeding and safe motherhood).
c. Aging and death education
i.Characteristics of elderly persons
ii.Ways of relating with the elderly
iii.Common causes of death

Candidates should be able to:
i. differentiate between orthodox and traditional health services;
ii.different among various aspects of maternal and child health services
iii.identify the characteristics of elderly persons and state the ways of relating with them
iv.identify common causes of death.

3 Environmental health
a. Housing
i.Characteristics of good housing - location, ventilation, lighting and sanitation
ii.Town planning regulations (spacing, overcrowding)
b. Water Supply
i. Importance and sources
ii. methods of purification
c. waste disposal
i.Meaning and types -air, water, soil and noise
ii.Prevention and control
e.Pest and vector control
i.Differentiate between pest and vector and state their habits
ii.Harmful effects of pest and vector
iii.Prevention and control

Candidates should be able to:
i.state the characteristics of good housing;
ii.state the town planning regulations
iii.state the importance of water supply and list the sources
iv.explain methods of water purification
v.differentiate between refuse and sewage disposal methods
vi.define pollution and state its types
vii.Outline the prevention and control measures of pollution
viii.Differentiate between pest and vector and state their habits
ix.Explain the harmful effects of pest and vectors and highlight their prevention and control measures.






1 Disease - Meaning and causes  
2 Communicable diseases
a. Definition
b. Classification of communicable diseases
i. Air-borne/Respiratory diseases -measles, whooping cough, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and cerebro-spinal meningitis;
ii. Water/Food-borne diseases -dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever;
iii. Insect-borne diseases -malaria, yellow fever, trypanosomiasis;
iv. Worm infections -ascaris lumblicoides (tape worm), ancylastomaduodenale (hook worm), dracunculusmedinensis (guinea worm);
v. Animal-borne diseases -rabies, leptospirosis;
vi. Contact diseases -gonorrhoea, syphilis, taeniacapitis (ring worm), leprosy,
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
vii. Presentation and control measures -
immunization, sterilization, isolation

i. define disease and state the causes
ii. define communicable disease and state its classification with examples;
iii. highlight the prevention and control measures of communicable diseases.

3 Non-communicable diseases
a. Definition
b. Diseases -hypertension, sickle cell, cancer, epilepsy, ulcer, asthma, diabetes.

Candidates should be able to:
i. define non-communicable diseases with examples;
ii. highlight the prevention and control measures of non-communicable diseases.



1 Family
a. Definition and types
i. Definition
ii. Types -Nuclear family (monogamous, polygamous, single parent family, family by adoption) and Extended family.
b. Characteristics of a happy family

Candidates should be able to:
i. define the family and explain its types;
ii. state the characteristics of a happy family

2 Human sexuality education
a. Meaning and importance
b. Reproductive health rights rights to number of children, consent to marry, gender equality and privacy.

Candidates should be able to:
iii. explain human sexuality and state its importance;
iv. highlight the reproductive health rights;

3 Family planning
a. Definition and importance
b. Advantages and disadvantages of various methods of family planning -condom, pills, uterine device, abstinence.
c. Challenges of families in Nigeria –pre-marital sex, extramarital sex, widowhood.
d. Agencies promoting healthy family living - school, NGO, religious homes.

Candidates should be able to:
v. define family planning and state its importance;
vi. identify the various methods of family planning and state their advantages;
vii. state the challenges facing family life;
viii. identify agencies promoting healthy family living.


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1. Afuekwe A. I. (2007). An Introductory Textbook of Physical Education for Secondary Schools and Colleges. Vol. 1. Sales Point (Nig.) Co.
2. Afuekwe A. I. (2009). Health Topics in the New Curriculum of Physical and Health Education. Vol. 1. Seas Print (Nig.) Co.
3. Nnabueze, U. C. (2002). Foundation of Health and Physical Education for Schools. Vol. II Enugu: Okotech Publishers.
4. Ofadeji, A. A. (2013). Comprehensive Textbook on Physical and Health Education.
5. Oworu, O. O. (2004). Fundamentals of Physical Education. Lucky Odoni (Nig.) Enterprises.
6. Oyerinde, O. O., Dada, J. O. & Oloyede, R. O. (2021). A Textbook of Physical and Health Education for Secondary School in Contemporary Nigeria Education System. Fabonish Publisher, Positive Press, Ibadan. 4th Edition.
7. Oyerinde, O. O., Dada, J. O. & Oloyede, R. O. (2021). All Times Health Education for Individual and College Student. Fabonish Publisher, Bayero University Press. 4th Edition.
8. Puffa, H. A., Agbeko, W. W. & Amui. J. C. (2009). Foundations of Physical Education and Sports. Winneba, Ghana: Akwu


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