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Psychology - Faculty of Social & Management Sciences

This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Psychology under the Faculty of Social & Management Sciences in Nigeria.

We will also talk about;
- The subject combinations needed to study Psychology
- JAMB UTME Subjects and Requirements
- O'Level Subjects and Requirements
- Direct Entry Requirements
- and other information you require to successfully gain admission to study Psychology.

You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.

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NOTE: This course (Psychology) is also available for study in other faculties. If you were NOT looking to study Psychology under the Faculty of Social & Management Sciences, please click the appropriate faculty below to see their proper requirements;

Psychology can be studied under the Social & Management Sciences in the following Nigerian Universities;

TAKE NOTE: There are other schools, where Psychology can also be studied. Please note, however, that it would NOT be under the Faculty of Social & Management Sciences. Please click the appropriate faculty below to see their own requirements;

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Subject Combination / JAMB UTME Requirements

In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Psychology under the Faculty of Social & Management Sciences in the above listed universities include;

Any three (3) subjects from Arts or Social Science


(1) UNIUYO, RENAISSANCE, OAU and EKSU require Biology.

(2) OAU requires any three subjects from Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Government, Biology, Chemistry or Physics.

(3) UI - Any three subjects

(4) ESUT requires Biology or Agricultural Science and any two (2) other Social Science or Arts subjects.

(5) UNILAG requires English Language and any three subjects from Mathematics. Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Government, Literature-in-English.

(6) EBSU - Economics is not compulsory.

(7) LASU accepts Science subjects.

(8) DELSU requires and any three (3) subjects from Social Science.

(9) FED-OYEEKITI requires any three (3) subjects from Science or Social Sciences

(10) UNN requires Biology and any other two subjects.

(11) CHRISTOPHER requires Geography and any two (2) of Government, Literature in English or Economics.

(12) FED-GASHUA accepts Biology and two (2) others from either Arts, Science or Social Science subjects.

(13) AAUA requires three (3) Social Science subjects.

(14) BSU requires any three (3) subjects from Arts or Social Sciences or Biology and any two subjects from Arts or Social Sciences.

(15) FED-KASHERE requires Any three subjects from Arts or Social Sciences.

(16) RSU requires English Language, Government/History, and any two (2) Social Science/Art Subjects.

O'Level Requirements

The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Psychology;

You require;

Five (5) SSC credit passes in Government or History, English Language and three (3) other subjects. A pass in Mathematics is required.


(1) UNIJOS requires five credit passes to include Mathematics, English Language and Biology.

(2) UNN requires credit passes in English Language, Biology or Health Science, and any other three subjects plus, at least a pass in Mathematics or Statistics.

(3) UI accepts Science subjects with a pass in Mathematics.

(4) OAU requires credit passes English Language, Mathematics, Biology and any two other subjects from Geography, Economics, Government, Chemistry and Physics.

(5) AAUA accepts five (5) ‘O’ Level credit passes to include  English Language, Mathematics and Biology and two Social Science subjects.

(6) UNIZIK requires similar requirements as for Economics, for both Direct Entry and UTME applicants but a pass in Mathematics is acceptable.

(7) GOUNI requires five credit passes to include English language, Mathematics, Biology and any other two (2) Science, Social Science or Arts subject at not more than one(1) sitting

(8) AAU requires five credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Biology and two other subjects

(9) EKSU require credit pass in Mathematics. EKSU also requires another Social Science subject apart from Government.

(10) ESUT requires a credit passes in English Language, Mathematics plus at least a pass in Biology/Health Science/Agricultural Science.

(11) UNIUYO requires a credit pass in Biology or Health Science and at least a P.7 in Mathematics, Biology and any two of Economics, History, Government, other social science and science subjects.

(12) LASU requires credit passes in English Language and Mathematics, Biology and any other two subjects from Social Sciences (Commerce, Economics, Geography, and Government).

(13) DELSU and UNILAG require English Language, Mathematics, Biology and two other subjects from Arts, Social Science or Science.

 requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Biology and any two (2) from Geography, Economics, Government, Chemistry, Physics, History, Literature in English, Yoruba, Christian Religious Studies /Islamic Studies, Agricultural Science, ICT, Civic Education.

(14) OAU requires English Language, Mathematics, Biology and other two subjects from Science/Social Science.

(15) REDEEMER'S requires Five 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects which must include Biology.

(16) CHRISTOPHER requires 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings to include English Language, Mathematics and any two (2) of Economics, Biology and Literature in English

(17) FED-OYEEKITI requires credit pass in Mathematics and one Science subject.

(18) UI accepts 5 credit passes in O/Level to include English Language, Biology and any other three from Social Sciences, science and arts with at least pass in Mathematics.

(19)EBSU requires five SSCE credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Biology and any other relevant subject from Arts, social science or science.

(20) UNILAG requires five credit passes to include English language, Mathematics, Biology and any other two (2) Science, Social Science or Arts subject at not more than one(1) sitting. UNILAG does not accept Commerce, CRS/IRS and Financial Accounting

(21) NDA requires two (2) other Arts and Social Science subjects from Economics, Government, Civic Education, Chemistry and Geography.

(22) DELSU requires five credit passes at SSC 'O’ Level or its equivalent which should include English Language, Mathematics and Biology/Health Sciences and two (2) of Social Science & Arts subjects.

(23) FED-GASHUA as in Political Science. (xxiv) FED-KASHERE requires Five credit passes at SSCE (or its equivalent) in English, Mathematics, Biology, Economics and two other Social Sciences subjects.

(24) RSU requires Five (5) WASC/SSCE/ GCE/NECO ‘O’ Level Credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Biology/Health Science/Agricultural Science and any two (2) Social Science Subject.


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Direct Entry Requirements

These are the conditions you need to fulfill to gain Direct Entry admission to study Psychology, if you don't intend to use UTME.

You require;

Two (2) 'A' Level passes including Government or History.


(1) IMSU require 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Biology/Health Science plus a pass in Mathematics.

(2) OAU requires

a. Registered Nursing (RN) Certificate, upper credit at ND/HND in Social Work or Medical Laboratory Science
b. 'A' Level passes in Biology and any two (2) of Economics, Government, Physics, Chemistry.

(3) BSU, EBSU and RENAISSANCE require

a. any two (2) 'A' Level passes plus the UTME requirements.
b. ND plus four (4) 'O' Level credit passes to include Chemistry, Biology or Health Science or General Science plus the UTME requirements.
c. Registered Nurse Certificate plus 'O' Level credit passes in Biology/Health Science/General Science and a pass in Mathematics/Statistics plus the UTME requirement

(4) ESUT and UI requires Two ‘A’ level passes from Arts, Science or Social Science subjects

(5) UNIZIK accepts two (2) 'A' Level passes, NCE/ND/HND, in Social Work, or Nursing or any other relevant areas plus at least 'O' Level pass in Biology/Health Science/Integrated Science and Mathematics plus the UTME requirements

(7) UNIJOS accepts Diploma distinction/merit and advanced Diploma in applied Psychology.

(8) AAUA requires:

a. Registered Nurse/midwifery Certificate plus credit in Bio/Health Science/General Science
b. National Diploma at upper credit level in Social Work, applied Psychology, Criminology and Security studies
c. A' level passes in Economics, Geography or Government.

(9) UNIUYO accepts any two A' level passes or RNC plus five credit passes to include Health Science or Biology and at least Pass in Mathematics.

(10) LASU requires A' level passes in Economics, Geography or Government.

(11) NSUK requires credit pass in Biology/Health Science

(12) EBSU accepts HND, NCE and ND with a minimum of Merit and Upper credit respectively in relevant fields.

(13) UI accepts:
(a) UI requires TWO ‘A’ level passes from Arts, Science or Social Science subjects
(b) Science subject with a pass in Mathematics.

(14) OAU accepts Two 'A' level in Science or Social Sciences.

(15) UNN accepts Diploma certificates, NCE, ND, HND, B.SC, Registered Nursing/Midwifery, and any other relevant higher education qualifications in addition to UTME requirement

(16)  GOUNI  accepts any two ‘A’ level passes and any degree which the senate may consider acceptable for admission purpose

(17) UNILAG accepts;
(a) Very good passes in three JUPEB/A-LEVEL subjects: Biology and any two (2) of Economics, Government, Chemistry, Physics and Lit-in English.
(b) Two (2) Cambridge A/Level passes in Science and Social Sciences
(c) Candidates must satisfy O/Level requirement

(18) FED-OYE EKITI accepts ND (Upper Credit) in Social Science related courses. It also accepts A’ level passes in any Social Science subjects in addition to O’ level requirements.

(19) CHRISTOPHER requires two (2) 'A' Level passes in Geography and any other Science subject, Economics or Government. Accepts HND, ND or NCE credit in the relevant programmes/subjects.

(20) PLASU accepts

a. Degree in any programme provided the candidate meets UTME requirements.
b. HND minimum of lower credit in relevant programme plus UTME requirements.
c. ND minimum of lower credit in relevant programme plus UTME requirements.
d. IJMB minimum of 7 points with passes in relevant subjects, plus UTME requirements.
e. Does not accept university diplomas and other diplomas not accredited by the relevant accrediting bodies.


(21) DELSU requires GCE 'A’ Level passes in at least two (2) subjects which should include a Social Science subject.

(22) FED-GASHUA accepts OND/ND (Upper Credit), HND (Lower Credit) and NCE Merit and above into 200 Level.

(23) FED-KASHERE accepts Minimum of Lower Credit in ND or recognised Diploma or 9 Points in IJMB/NCE in related Social Science discipline.

(24) RSU accepts Admissions into Year III; Degree relevant to the Programme. HND (Upper Credit) relevant to the Programme. Admissions into Year II; HND (Lower Credit) relevant to the Programme. OND/ND (Upper Credit) relevant to the discipline. Degree (Third Class) relevant to the programme. In addition, all such candidates above must also satisfy the UME entry requirements.



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