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Geography - Faculty of Social & Management Sciences

This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Geography under the Faculty of Social & Management Sciences in Nigeria.

We will also talk about;
- The subject combinations needed to study Geography
- JAMB UTME Subjects and Requirements
- O'Level Subjects and Requirements
- Direct Entry Requirements
- and other information you require to successfully gain admission to study Geography.

You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.

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NOTE: This course (Geography) is also available for study in other faculties. If you were NOT looking to study Geography under the Faculty of Social & Management Sciences, please click the appropriate faculty below to see their proper requirements;

Geography can be studied under the Social & Management Sciences in the following Nigerian Universities;

TAKE NOTE: There are other schools, where Geography can also be studied. Please note, however, that it would NOT be under the Faculty of Social & Management Sciences. Please click the appropriate faculty below to see their own requirements;

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Subject Combination / JAMB UTME Requirements

In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Geography under the Faculty of Social & Management Sciences in the above listed universities include;

Geography and two (2) other Arts or Social Science subjects


(1) OAU - Mathematics required

(2) UNILAG requires Geography and any two from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Government, and Mathematics. (Commerce and core Arts subject not accepted).

(3) UNN and OAU - Geography and any two subjects.

(4) NDU require Mathematics in the combination of UTME subjects

(5) KWASU requires Mathematics, Government and any other Arts or Social Science subject.

(6) TASU accepts two other subjects from Economics, Government, History, Biology and other Science subjects.

(7) UNIABUJA requires Geography and any other two of Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Agricultural science or Economics or Government.


O'Level Requirements

The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Geography;

You require;

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Geography, and any three (3) from Arts or Social Science subjects with at least a pass in Mathematics.


(1) OAU requires credit passes in Mathematics, Geography and any one of the following subjects: Economics, Government, Biology, Chemistry or Physics.

(2) UI accepts candidates who did not offer Geography at UTME, but has ‘O’ level credits in the subject.

(3) UI requires 5/6 'O' level credit passes at one or two sittings to include English Language, Geography and any three Arts or S/Science subjects with at least a pass in Mathematics.

(4) BSU and OAU require ‘O’ level credit pass in Mathematics.

(5) OAU accepts credit in English, Geography and any three other subjects.

(6) ABSU requires credit passes in English Language, Geography and any three of History, Government, Economics, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry & Agric Science.

(7) TASU and NDU require five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any two from Arts or Social Science subjects

(8) BUK requires Geography and at least one other Social Science subject.

(9) UNILORIN require 'O' level credit pass in Mathematics.
UTME, but has ‘O’ level credits in the subject.

(10) UI requires 5/6 'O' level credit passes at one or two sittings to include English Language, Geography and any three Arts or S/Science subjects with at least a pass in Mathematics.

(11) BSU and OAU require ‘O’ level credit pass in Mathematics.

(12) OAU accepts credit in English, Geography and any three other subjects.

(13) ABSU requires credit passes in English Language, Geography and any three of History, Government, Economics, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry & Agric Science.

(14) TASU and NDU require five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any two from Arts or Social Science subjects

(15) BUK requires Geography and at least one other Social Science subject.

(16) UNILAG requires credit passes in Geography and any two from Science or Social Science.

(17) UNIOSUN requires five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any to relevant Science, Social Science or Humanities subjects at not more than two sittings.

(18) KWASU requires credit passes in Mathematics, English, Geography and any other two science or social science subjects and one science subject preferably physics, chemistry and technical Drawing.

(19) NDA requires credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and two other subjects from Commerce, Economics, History, French, Arabic, Accounts and Government.

(20) KSU requires credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and two other relevant subjects in either Natural Sciences or Social Sciences.

(21) UNN accepts Five ‘O’ level credit passes including English Language, Geography and any three subjects and at least a pass in Mathematics.

(22) NDU requires five O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any two from Arts, Social Science or Science subjects in not more than two sittings.

(23) UNIABUJA accepts five credit Passes at SSCE (or its equivalent) in English, Mathematics, Geography and any two of Chemistry, Physics, Economics Biology/ Agricultural Science and Government.

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Direct Entry Requirements

These are the conditions you need to fulfill to gain Direct Entry admission to study Geography, if you don't intend to use UTME.

You require;

Two ‘A’ level passes in Geography and any one of Economics., Government, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics


(1) BSU requires a credit pass in Mathematics.

(2) BUK does not accept ‘A’ level passes below grade D and NCE below grade C and requires Geography plus any two Social Science subject.

(3) BUK accept ‘A’ level passes or NCE in Geography and any other Science or Social Science subject

(4) UNIMAID accepts ND/HND in relevant fields.

(5) UDUSOK accepts NCE merit level in Geography and ND lower credit level in Town Planning, Surveying, environmental Management or Tropical Science plus four (4) 'O' Level credits passes including English Language and 'O' Level pass in Mathematics

(6) UI requires 2 A' level passes in Geography and any one of Economics, Government or History.

(7) KWASU accepts IJMB and two A' level papers in relevant subjects.

(8) UNIOSUN accepts ND in Surveying, Geology, Civil Engineering or Urban and Regional Planning, and with NCE in Geography combination with at least a lower credit.

(9) UNN accepts:

(a) Two ‘A’ level passes in Geography and anyone of Economics, History, Agric Science, Geology, Lit. In English, biology, Chemistry or Physics.

(b) NCE (Merit level) in Geography and ND (at least Merit) in Town Planning, Surveying, Environmental Management or Tropical Science plus UTME requirement.

(10) TASU in addition to O’ level requirement:
(a) Requires Three A’ level passes which must include Geography.
(b) Accepts NCE (merit) and ND/HND (credit) in relevant fields such as Land Surveying, Cartography, Estate Management, Town Planning, Architecture and Environment Science.

(11) NDU accepts:

a. ‘A’ level passes in Geography and any one of the Social Sciences, Arts or Pure Science subjects.

b. N.C.E. with credit passes in Geography and one teaching subject in the Social Sciences, Arts or Pure Science.

c. National Diploma at Upper Credit level in Urban/Regional Planning or Environmental Science.

(12) UNILAG accepts;
(a) Very good passes in three (3) JUPEB/A-LEVEL subjects: Geography and any two of Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Government.

(b) Two (2) Cambridge A/Level passes in Geography and one (1) of the following: Economics, Government, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Mathematics.

(c) Candidates must also satisfy the O/Level requirement.

(13) UNIABUJA accepts two A’ level credit passes in Geography and any other Science subject. Economics or Government. ND (upper credit) in Surveying, Town planning or Environmental management.

(14) FUDMA accepts Two ‘A’ level passes in Geography and one of Economics, Government, History, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. OND/NCE with good grades in any relevant area.

(15) OAU accepts

a. 'A' Level in Geography and any two (2) Science or     Humanities subjects

b. ND/HND upper credit in Surveying and Geo-informatics, Land Surveying, Urban and Regional Planning, Statistics, Mathematics or Tourism.

(16) FUGASHUA requirestwo (2) ‘A’ Level passes in Geography and any one of Economics, Government, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics.

(17) IAUED accepts A ‘Level or holders of ND/OND & NCE will be admitted into year two(2). The A ‘Level/ND/OND/NCE/ must be in Geography or Urban & Regional Planning, Estate Mgt. Architecture, Envt’l  Mgt. Survey, Geology.

(18) RSU accepts;Admissions into Year III; Degree relevant to the Programme.HND (Upper Credit) relevant to the Programme. Admissions into Year II; HND (Lower Credit) relevant to the Programme.OND/ND (Upper Credit) in relevant discipline. Degree (Third Class) relevant to the programme. In addition, all such candidates above must also satisfy the UME entry requirements.

(xxi) SSU accepts NCE/Diploma in Geography with at Least Lower Credit or Diploma in Geography, Environmental Management and Planning, Survey or any other related field of study with at least Lower Credit pass.

(xxii) FULOKOJA requires;

a) For IJMB, two (2) ‘A’ Level passes in Geography and any one of History/Government, Economics, Biology/Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Physics, Geology or Mathematics.

b) For NCE, Minimum of credit pass in Geography.

c) For OND, Minimum of Upper Credit in Cartography, Land Surveying and GIS/Geo-informatics.

d) For HND, minimum of Upper Credit in Cartography, Land Surveying and GIS/Geo-informatics.

e) For Bachelor’s Degree, minimum of third class from Economics, Geology, Land Surveying, Cartography, GIS/Geo-informatics.

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