This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Physics under the Faculty of Sciences in Nigeria.
We will also talk about;You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.
Physics can be studied under the Sciences in the following Nigerian Universities;
AAU Offers the course with options in:
(i) Geophysics
FUPRE Offers the course with options in:
(i) Theoretical Physics
(ii) Physical/ Electronics
(iii) Physical and Energy Studies
FUAM Offers the course with options in:
(i) Physics and Industrial Physics
FUTA With options in
(i) Energy
(ii) Electronics & Solid State (with options in):
(i) Applied Nuclear Science
(ii) Industrial Physics
(iii) Medical Physics
(iv) Meteorology & Atmospheric Physics
OOU Offers the course with options in:
(i) Geophysics
(ii) Medical Health Physics
(iii) Physics with Electronics
OSUSTECH Offers the course with options in:
(i) Physics
(ii) Electronics
(iii) Solid State
UNIPORT Offers the course with options in:
(i) Applied Geophysics
(ii) Electrical Electronics
RSUST Offers the course with options in:
(i) Electronics
(ii) Applied Geophysics
(iii) Pure Physics
WESLEYUNI offers the course as Physics and Industrial Physics
In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Physics under the Faculty of Sciences in the above listed universities include;
Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
(i) UI requires Physics and two (2) other Science subjects.
(ii) ODUDUWA, ILORIN, IGBINEDION and FUTA. accept Agricultural Science in lieu of Biology.
(iii) OAU accept Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Mathematics.
(iv) OAU require Chemistry.
(v) UNIOSUN, UNN, FED-LAFIA, FUNAAB, ADELEKE, UNIBEN, CRUTECH and BAUCHI require Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
(vi) UNICAL do not accept Biology as a UTME subject.
(vii) NTNU and AJAYI - Same as Computer Science.
(viii) AAUA does not accept Biology as one (1) of the UTME subjects.
(ix) NTNU accepts Mathematics, Physics and any other Science subject.
(x) TSUJ requires Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
(xi) EVANGEL accepts Geography in lieu of Chemistry or Biology.
(xii) UNIKINGS and KWASU – Same as in Mathematics.
(xiii) OOU requires any three (3) of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography.
(xiv) MOUNTAIN TOP requires English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(xv) ABUAD requires Mathematics, Physics and any of Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, Economics and Geography.
(xvi) FED-LOKOJA requires Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry
(xvii) DELSU requires Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.
(xviii) FED-GASHUA accepts Physics, Mathematics and Biology or Chemistry.
(xix) FED-DUTSE accepts Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
(xx) RSUST requires Physics, Mathematics and any other Science Subject.
(xxi) FUTA requires Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
(xxii) FED-OYE EKITI requires Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry.
(xxiii) BSU requires Physics and Mathematics and any of Biology or Chemistry.
(xxiv) FUPRE requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(xxv) UMYUK requires Physics, Mathematics and any other Science Subject
(xxvi) FUTO requires Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
(xxvii) UNILORIN requires Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
(xxviii) IAUED requires English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
(xxix) FED-WUKARI requires Physics, Mathematics and any one of Chemistry/Biology.
(xxx) MAUTECH requires Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
(xxxi) UNILAG requires English Language, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.
(xxxii) KSUSTA requires Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
(xxxiii) ABU requires Use of English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
(xxxiv) UNIPORT – For Physics requires Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
(xxxv) EDSU requires Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
(xxxvi) FED-KASHERE requires Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
(xxxvii) KASU requires Physics, Mathematics and one other Science subject.
(xxxviii) LANDMARK requires Physics, Mathematics and any other subject.
(xxxix) SOSU requires Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
(xl) FED-DUTSINMA requires English Language, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Physics;
You require;Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other Science subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science
(i) UNIBEN requires ‘O’ level credit passes in Mathematics and any other Science subject in addition to English Language, Physics and Chemistry.
(ii) OOU requires Physics and Mathematics and any other two (2) Science subjects.
(iii) UNICAL requires ‘O’ level credit passes in Biology/Chemistry, Physics, English Language and Mathematics, candidates with ‘O’ level pass in English Language may be allowed to remedy the deficiency during the first year of study by taking and passing the UNICAL Remedial English. It also accepts ‘O’ level pass in Chemistry/ Biology /Mathematics.
(iv) UNIZIK accept D7 in English Language.
(v) COOU , IMSU may accept ‘O’ level pass in English Language.
(vi) FUTA requires five SSCE credit passes or its equivalent at a maximum of two (2) sittings in the following subjects: English language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any Science subject selected from Biology/Agricultural Science and Technical Drawing
(vii) UNIKINGS and UMUDIKE - Same as in Mathematics.
(viii) UI requires five (5) or six (6) ‘O’ level credit passes at one (1) or two (2) sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and any two (2) Science subjects.
(ix) NDU requires five (5) 'O' level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings.
(x) UNIPORT requires Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology.
(xi) FUNAAB requires ‘O’ level credit pass in Biology Science.
(xii) MAUTECH requires Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other Science subject from Further Mathematics, Basic Electricity/Electronics and Biology or Agricultural Science
(xiii) AJAYI - Same as Computer Science.
(xiv) UNIJOS accepts candidates who have satisfied the UTME requirements plus pass in Remedial Science Programme of the University of Jos.
xv) UNIUYO requires ‘O’ level credit passes in Chemistry and English Language.
(xvi) UMYUK requires five (5) ‘O’ level credit passes or its equivalent in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any of Biology, Agricultural Science, Computer Studies and Geography at not more than two (2) sittings.
(xvii) UNN accepts five (5) 'O' level credit passes in Physics, Mathematics and English Language as well as two (2) other ‘O’ level credit passes from Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Biology, Further Mathematics, Statistics, Technical Drawing and Geography or its equivalent.
(xviii) KSU – Same as in Mathematical Sciences.
(xix) WESLEYUNI requires five (5) 'O' level credit passes in English Language, Physics, Mathematics and any other two (2) subjects preferably Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Geography and Biology in that order.
(xx) FUNAAB same as in Biochemistry.
(xxi) UNIOSUN accepts any other Science subject as the fifth (5th) subject at one (1) sitting.
(xxii) NTNU accepts English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two (2) Science subjects.
(xxiii) GOUU requires five (5) ‘O’ level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings in subjects which must include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
(xxvi) BOWEN requires five (5) ‘O’ level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics/Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and any other Science subjects, including Geography
(xxvii) WESTERN-DEL requires ‘O’ level credit pass in Biology as the fifth (5th) subject.
(xxviii) FUPRE requires five (5) SSC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other subject from Agricultural Science, Biology, Computer Studies, Data Processing, Electrical Installation & Maintenance Work, Radio, TV & Electrical Work.
(xxix) OSUSTECH requires Biology or Geography as the fifth (5th) subject.
(xxx) SALEM accepts ‘O’ level credit passes in Chemistry and Geography.
(xxxi) EVANGEL does not accept ‘O’ level credit passes in Geography and Agricultural Science.
xxxii) GOUU requires for Physics with Electronics, ‘O’ level credit passes in English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology or Chemistry and any other Science subject.
(xxxiii) KWASU – Same as in Mathematics.
(xxxiv) CRUTECH accepts any relevant Science or Social Science subject as the fifth subject.
(xxxv) MAKURDI accepts ‘O’ level credit passes in Further Mathematics, Statistics, Technical Drawing, Geography or Electronics in lieu of Biology, or Agricultural Science. It also requires 'O'level credit passes or its equivalent at not more than two (2) sittings.
(xxxvi) NDA requires five (5) 'O' level credit passes from English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any one (1) from , Biology, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics or Agricultural Science.
(xxxvii) FED-LAFIA requires ‘O’ level credit pass in Further Mathematics..
(xxxviii) UNILAG requires Five O/Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Further Mathematics.
(xxxix) FED-LOKOJA requires Five SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any one of the following subjects: Biology, Geography or Agricultural Science.
(xl) FUTO requires five (5) 'O' level credit passes in English Language, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and any other Science subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science at not more than two (2) sittings
(xli) UNIABUJA accepts five (5) ‘O’ level credit passes or its equivalent including English Language, Mathematics and any other three (3) subjects preferably Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Geography in that order.
(xlii) ODUDUWA accepts ‘O’ level credit pass in Agricultural Science or Health Science in place of Biology.
(xliii) FED-DUTSINMA accepts five (5) 'O' level credit passes to include English Language, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and any other Science subjects.
(xliv) ABUAD requires five (5) ‘O’ level credit passes or its equivalent in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two (2) Science subjects.
(xlv) MINNA requires 'O' level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, with any of Biology, Agricultural Science, Geography or IT related subjects.
(xlvi) EDSU requires five (5) credit passes at SSC or its equivalent in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other Science subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science
(xlviii) DELSU requires five (5) 'O’ Level credits in SSC (or its equivalent) which must include English Language, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and any other subject.
(xlix) FED-GASHUA requires five (5) SSCE credit passes in English, Language, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and any other Science Subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science.
(li) FED-DUTSE requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at SSC level or its equivalent to include Englsih Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one other relevant science subject.
(lii) RSUST requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry/Biology, and Technical Drawing/Further Mathematics.
(liii) FED-OYE EKITI requires five (5) credits passes in SSC (or its equivalent) including English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(liv) MOUNTAIN TOP - Candidates are required to possess 5 O’Level credit passes including Mathematics, English Language, Physics and Chemistry. The other credit can be any one of Further Mathematics, Biology, Economics, Geography, Technical Drawing or Agricultural Science. Candidates are also required to have an acceptable pass in UTME.
(lv) UNILORIN requires at least five (5) credits level pass at SSSCE, GCE, NECO ‘O’ Level including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one from further Mathematics or Biology obtained at not more than two (2) sittings
(lvi) IAUED requires English, Mathematics, Physics Chemistry or any one of the following, Biology, Agric, and Geography.
(lvii) FED-WUKARI accepts Five (5) Credits at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics Chemistry and any one from the following subjects: Biology/Geography. Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing Agricultural Science/Animal Husbandry/Fisheries/Forestry obtained from Senior School Certificate (SSCE), National Examination Council (NECO), National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) or its equivalent.
(lviii) KSUSTA requires Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other Science subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science.
(lix) ABU requires Five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and two other science subjects
(lx) UNIPORT – accepts Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology.
(lxi) EDSU accepts Five (5) SSCE credit passes in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other Science subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science.
(lxii) FED-KASHERE requires Five credit passes at SSCE (or its equivalent) in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any of Further Mathematics, Geography and Biology.
(lxiii) KASU accepts Five ‘O’ level credit passes to include English language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one other Science subject. (lxiv) LANDMARK accepts Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and any other two science subjects or one science subject and one social science.
(lxv) SSU accepts Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and chemistry plus one other relevant science subject at not more than two sittings.
These are the conditions you need to fulfill to gain Direct Entry admission to study Physics, if you don't intend to use UTME.
You require;NCE/Two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics or Chemistry.
(i) OAU and BSU accept ‘A’ level passes in Physics and Chemistry.
(ii) MAIDUGURI, BSU and UNIUYO accept NCE merit with Physics major.
(iii) BINGHAM and UI require NCE/ND credit/merit in Mathematics and one (1) other approved Science subject
(iv) UNN accepts
(a) NCE Physics or ND or HND in Physics or Engineering.
b) two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics plus the UTME requirements.
v) FUTA accepts
a) ND at Upper Credit or its equivalent in Science Technology, Electronics and Electrical Engineering; or
b) GCE (‘A’ Level) or its equivalent with not less than C grade in Physics and at least one subject selected from the following; Mathematics and Chemistry.
(vi) KUST accept NCE credit, ND/HND lower credit plus 'O' level credit passes in Physics, Mathematics and two (2) other Science subjects. BUK accepts one (1) other Science subject. BSU accepts HND upper credit only.
(vii) COOU accepts ND/HND credit in relevant programmes and ‘O’ level pass in English Language under exceptional circumstances.
(viii) IMSU - No Direct Entry.
(ix) COOU accept ND lower credit in Electrical/Electronics Engineering.
(x) DELSU accepts GCE 'A' Level passes (or its equivalents); or NCE with passes in Physics and (Mathematics or Chemistry), or merit in University Diploma programme; or upper credit in polytechnic OND in Physics, Engineering field or Computer Science, in addition to the required SSC or GCE ordinary level credits
(xi) SALEM and UMUDIKE require 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics/Further Mathematics.
(xii) UNILORIN accepts;
a) G.C.E. ‘A’ Level or equivalent (e.g. NCE.) in a minimum of two relevant science subjects (Mathematics and Physics). The NCE must be Distinction or Merit.
b) ‘A’ Level passes in Chemistry and Physics plus ‘O’ Level credit in Mathematics and Biology.
(xiii) DELSU accepts NCE merit in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. It also accepts ND credit in Science Technology.
(xiv) BIU accepts NCE/ND upper credit only.
(xv) UNICAL requires two (2) 'A' level passes or their equivalents in Physics and either Chemistry or Mathematics plus 'O' level credit passes in Physics, English Language, Mathematics and two (2) Science subjects.
(xvi) FUNAAB accepts
a) ND upper credit in Physics, Electrical/Electronics, Science Laboratory Technology or related programmes.
b) NCE credit in Physics, Mathematics or Computer Science.
c) two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics, Chemistry or Biology
(xvii) IGBINEDION accepts Physics plus one (1) of Mathematics or Chemistry, ND in Electrical/Electronics and Science Technology.
(xviii) UDUSOK accepts ND credit in relevant programme plus 'O' level credit passes in Physics and Mathematics.
(xix) OOU accepts two (2) 'A' level passes including Physics and any other Science subject. ND lower credit in Geography, Electrical/ Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Pure & Applied Science, Science Laboratory Technology. Final Certificate in NIST and Data Processing lower credit.
(xx) EKSU accepts Biology in lieu of Mathematics.
(xxi) UNIBEN in addition to the UTME requirements, requires
a) two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics and Chemistry/ Mathematics, ND upper credit /HND lower credit in Science Laboratory Technology, Computer Engineering and related programmes, NCE merit with ‘O’ level credit pass in Physics.
(xxii) AAU accepts ND credit or two (2) 'A' level passes or their equivalents plus five (5) ‘O’ level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings.
(xxiii) AJAYI - Same as in Computer Science.
(xxiv) CRUTECH require Mathematics and Physics.
(xxv) CUAB accepts NCE/ND upper credit and approved equivalent in relevant programmes and IJMB at acceptable grade levels.
(xxvi) AAUA accepts ND credit in Physics or Applied Mathematics.
(xxvii) GSU accepts ND/HND/NCE/IJAMB/ 'A' level or its equivalent in addition to five (5) ’O’ level credit passes.
(xxviii) BIU requires in addition to the UTME requirements specified, two (2)’A’ level passes in relevant subjects or NCE 3 merits or ND credit in relevant programme.
(xxiv) BOWEN accepts 'A' Level /IJMB/NCE/ ND or approved equivalent in Mathematics and Physics. In exceptional cases Physics and Chemistry may be considered.
(xxiv) WESLEYUNI does not accept Chemistry in lieu of Mathematics.
(xxvi) FUTA accepts ND upper credit in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or Science Technology in addition to the UTME requirements or two (2) 'A' level passes at one (1) sitting in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.
(xxvii) UNIOSUN accepts 'A' level pass in Geography in lieu of Mathematics and Chemistry. Accepts ND lower credit or approved equivalents.
(xxviii) UNICAL accepts 'A' level passes or its equivalent in Physics and either Chemistry or Mathematics plus 'O' level credit passes in Physics, English Language, Mathematics and two (2) Science subjects.
(xxx) WESTERN-DEL accepts
(a) NCE/Two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics or Chemistry.
(b) ND merit in Physics, Engineering Science or Computer Science, Electrical/Electronics Engineering or Science Technology.
(xxvi) ADELEKE accepts ND upper credit in Electrical/Electronic from recognised Polytechnics.
(xxxi) RHEMA accepts ND/NCE in related subjects plus the UTME requirements.
(xxxii) TSUJ
(a) Requires three (3) 'A' level passes which must include Physics combination.
(b) Accepts NCE merit and ND/HND credit in related programmes in addition to the UTME requirements
(xxxiii) EVANGEL accepts two (2) 'A' level passes in Biology, Zoology, Botany and Chemistry or Physics.
(xxxiv) UNIKINGS and KWASU – Same as in Mathematics.
(xxxv) MAKURDI accepts in addition to the UTME requirements
(a) HND – 200 Level
(b) NCE two (2) credits in relevant subjects – 200 Level.
(c) two (2) 'A' level passes in Mathematics and Physics – 200 level.
(xxxvi) MCPHERSON accepts
a) 'A' level/ND upper credit /HND lower credit or its equivalent in Physics in addition to five (5) ‘O’ level credit passes.
b) JUPEB/IJMB 'A' level or equivalents in related subjects.
(xxxvii) CALEB accepts ND credit in Computer Science, Electrical/Electronics, Electrical Engineering or Sciences related studies may be considered for admission by direct entry provided they have the UTME subjects at one (1) sitting.
(xxxviii) UNILAG requires very good passes in the following three (3) JUPEB/A-level subjects in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. Candidate must satisfy the 'O' level requirements which include credit in Further Mathematics.
(xxxix) NDU accepts ND/ ‘A’ level passes in any two (2) of Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Geography.
(xl) NTNU – Same as in Computer Science.
(xli) OSUSTECH accepts
a) two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics or Chemistry.
b) ND distinction and credit in relevant programmes. (xlii) KUST accepts ND/HND lower credit and NCE credit plus 'O' level credit passes in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and one (1) other science subject.
(xliii) FUTO requires two (2) 'A' Level passes not below Grade 'C' in Physics and Mathematics. It accepts ND/HND upper credit in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering. Candidates must in addition meet the UTME requirements. It does not accept First Degree and NCE.
(xliv) AUGUSTINE requires two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics.
(xlv) SOSU accepts HND lower credit or ND upper credit or NCE merit in Physics Electronics, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Electronics, Physics Computer or its equivalents. IJMB SCIENCE (10 Points) with the UTME requirements.
(xlvi) MOUNTAIN TOP – ND and HND credit may be considered for 200 and 300 levels respectively.
(xlii) FED-DUTSINMA requires two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics. It also accepts ND/NCE with good grades and relevant 'O' level subjects.
(xlvii) PLASU accepts
a) degree in any programme provided the candidate meets the UTME requirements
b) HND lower credit in relevant programme, with the UTME requirements,
c) ND lower credit in relevant programme, with the UTME requirements.
d) IJMB minimum of seven (7) points with passes in relevant subjects, with the UTME requirements.
e) PLASU does not accept University diplomas and other diplomas not accredited by the relevant accrediting bodies.
(xlviii) SOUTHWESTERN accepts
a. HND
c. Accept NCE merit in Physics and Mathematics or ND credit in Electrical/Electronics/Telecommunication Engineering Science Technology and Mathematics
(l) UNIKINGS accepts two (2) 'A' Level passes in Science subjects including Mathematics and Physics. It also accepts NCE with at least Merit in Mathematics and Physics and one other Science or Social Science subject.
(li) EDSU accepts Two (2) 'A' level passes in Physics and Mathematics or Chemistry. ND/HND with Credit passes in relevant programmes from a recognized institution in addition to O’ level requirements. IJMB/JUPEB in relevant subjects.
(lii) ADELEKE accepts ND upper credit in Electrical/Electronic from recognised Polytechnics.
(liii) FED-GASHUA accepts NCE (Merit & above), HND (Lower Credit) in relevant Science Subjects. IJMB 6 points will be admitted to 200 Level.
(liv) FED-DUTSE requires 'A' Level passes (graded A-D) in one or more relevant subjects (Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics) and Physics. IJMB, NCE or ND may also be considered.
(lv) RSUST in addition to 'O' Level requirements accepts:
(a) HND (Lower Credit) in relevant discipline.
(b) OND/ND (Upper Credit) in relevant discipline.
(c) At least two (2) ‘A’ level passes at GCE including Mathematics and Physics
(lvi) FUPRE requires two (2) ‘A’ Level passes in Physics and Mathematics.
(lvii) BUK accepts NCE (credit), HND (lower credit) plus O/level credit passes in Physics, Mathematics and two (2) other Science subjects.
(lviii) UMYUK accepts a minimum of 9 points in IJMB/HSC/GCE ‘A’ Level/NCE in Physics and Mathematics. Candidates with a minimum of lower credit pass in National Diploma/HND in relevant subject from recognized institutions may also be admitted.
(lix) IAUED accepts OND or NCE with minimum of merit and credit passes in English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(lx) FED-WUKARI - Direct Entry candidates must obtain at least two ‘A’ Level passes in Science subject at GCE A/ level/ IJMB/Advanced NABTEB or Merit at NCE or at least a Credit in OND/HND in Physics or s Mathematics, Electronic Engineering. Candidate must also satisfy UTME admission requirements of Five (5) Credits including English and Mathematics.
(lxi) MAUTY accepts IJMB/Two (2) A level credit passes in Physics and Mathematics. ND/HND with a minimum of lower credit passes in Physics and any other relevant field.
(lxii) FED-LOKOJA requires; In addition to meeting the UTME Entry Requirements; 2 A’ Level Passes to include Physics & any one of Mathematics and Chemistry; IJMB minimum of 10 points with passes in relevant subjects; NCE Credit pass in Credit in Physics & Mathematics and any other relevant subject combination; ND upper credit in Upper Credit in Science Lab. Tech., Electronics & Electrical Engineering; HND Lower Credit in Engineering or any other relevant discipline; Degree (minimum of Pass) in Physics, Engineering and any other relevant discipline.
(lxiii) KSUSTA accepts OND Electrical/ELectronics or its equivalent (lower and Upper Credit) , HND Electrical Electronics.
(lxiv) ABU accepts Two ‘A’ level /IJMB passes which must include Physics, and Mathematics. NCE Physics/Mathematics in addition to O/L requirements. Diploma in Physics with Upper Credit in addition to O/L requirements.
(lxv) FED-LAFIA accepts in addition to UTME requirements, DE candidates must have any of the following: IJMB: Minimum of 9 points in Physics, Mathematics or any other relevant subject. NCE: At least Merit pass in Physics and any other relevant subjects. OND: At least lower credit pass in any relevant subjects. HND in any relevant discipline. GCE: 2 A’ level credit level passes in Physics, Mathematics or any other relevant subjects.
(lxvi) UNIPORT – For Physics, accepts Two (2) A/level GCE or HSC or JUPEB or IJMB passes in Physics and any of Mathematics or Chemistry including UTME entry requirements. OND or ND in Physics with (Upper Credit), HND in Physics with (Lower Credit), from a recognized Institution including UTME entry requirements
(lxvii) FED-KASHERE accepts A’ Level credit passes in Physics and Mathematics.
(lxviii) KASU accepts Two ‘A’ Level passes in Physics or Mathematics and Chemistry. ND/HND/NCE merit/ Lower Credit in related fields and IJMB 7 points and above. (lxix) LANDMARK accepts NCE/Two (2) A level passes in Physics and Mathematics or Chemistry.
(lxx) SOSU accepts A minimum of Merit at NCE or at least Lower Credit at OND/HND in a relevant course.