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Surveying and Geo-Informatics - Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology

This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Surveying and Geo-Informatics under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in Nigeria.

We will also talk about;
- The subject combinations needed to study Surveying and Geo-Informatics
- JAMB UTME Subjects and Requirements
- O'Level Subjects and Requirements
- Direct Entry Requirements
- and other information you require to successfully gain admission to study Surveying and Geo-Informatics.

You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.

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Surveying and Geo-Informatics can be studied under the Engineering, Environment & Technology in the following Nigerian Universities;

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Subject Combination / JAMB UTME Requirements

In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Surveying and Geo-Informatics under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in the above listed universities include;

Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics


(i) ABU requires For Surveying and Geoinformatics; Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics. 

(ii) ATBU requires, Mathematics, Physics and any of Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Geography, Biology, Information Technology or Land Surveying.

(iii) UNILORIN requires Mathematics, Physics and any one of Geography, Technical Drawing, Economics, Chemistry.

(iv) ESUT requires for Surveying and Geoinformatics, Mathematics, Physics and any one from Chemistry, Geography, Economics, Government, Biology or Agricultural Science.

(v) For Surveying and Geoinformatics, FUTA requires; Mathematics, Physics and either Chemistry or Geography.

(vi) FUTO requires Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

(vii) IMSU requires Mathematics, Physics and Geography.

(viii) UNLAG requires for Surveying and Geo-Informatics, English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics.

(ix) MAUTECH requires Physics, Mathematics, and any One of Chemistry, Geography, Biology/ Agric. Science and Economics.

(x) OAU requires English, Mathematics Physics, Geography or Chemistry.

(xi) UNN requires Mathematics, Physics and one other subject.

O'Level Requirements

The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Surveying and Geo-Informatics;

You require;

Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any of Fine Art, Geography or Wood Work, Biology, Economics, Tech. Draw, Further. Mathematics., Introduction to Building Construction, Bricklaying/Block laying, Concreting, Wall, Floors and Ceiling Finishing, Joinery, Carpentary, Decorative Painting, Lining, Sign & Design, Wall Hanging , Colour Mixing/Matching & Glazing, Ceramics, Graphics Design, Graphic Printing, Basic Electricity.


(i) ABU requires; For Surveying and Geoinformatics; five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any of Fine Art, Geography or Wood Work, Biology, Economics, Technical Drawing, Further. Mathematics., Introduction to Building Construction, Bricklaying/Block laying, Concreting, Wall, Floors and Ceiling Finishing, Joinery, Carpentary, Decorative Painting, Lining, Sign and Design, Wall Hanging , Colour Mixing/Matching and Glazing, Ceramics, Graphics Design, Graphic Printing, Basic Electricity.

 b. For Surveying and Geoinformatics;  five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any of Fine Art, Geography or Wood Work, Biology, Economics, Technical Drawing, Further. Mathematics., Introduction to Building Construction, Bricklaying/Block laying, Concreting, Wall, Floors and Ceiling Finishing, Joinery, Carpentary, Decorative Painting, Lining, Sign and Design, Wall Hanging , Colour Mixing/Matching and Glazing, Ceramics, Graphics Design, Graphic Printing, Basic Electricity.

c. For Land Surveying; five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Geography  and any other Science subject.      


(ii) ATBU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two (2) from Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Geography, Biology, Information Technology or Land Surveying.

(iii) BELLS requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, and any one (1) from the following: Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Economics. For Survey and Geoinformatics, five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and any one from Biology and Geography.

(iv) ESUT requires for Surveying and Geoinformatics, 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two (2) from Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Technical Drawing, Fine and Applied Arts and Economics. It also requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include Mathematics, Physics, English Language and any other science subject. Accepts either of Physics or Chemistry.

(v)   FUTA requires five (5) SSC credit passes or its equivalent at a maximum of two (2) sittings in the following subjects:   English Language, Mathematics and Physics and any two (2) of Chemistry, Economics, Building Construction, Technical Drawing, Geography, Government.

For Surveying and Geoinformatics, FUTA requires; five (5) SSC credit passes or its equivalent at a maximum of two (2) sittings in the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, English Language and any two (2) of Geography, Elementary Surveying, Technical Drawing, Chemistry, Economics, Fine Art, Biology/Agricultural Science.

(vi) FUTO requires at least five (5) ‘O’ Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and any one of Fine Arts, Technical Drawing, Geography, Economics and Biology in not more than two (2) sittings. 

(vii) IMSU accepts Mathematics, and any other subject.

(viii) UNILAG requires for Survey and Geoinformatics, Five O/Level credit passes in English, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

(ix) MAUTECH requires Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any Two from Geography, Biology, Agric Science, Technical Drawing, Further. Mathematics.

(x) OAU accepts five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry/Geography and any other subject from Economics, Biology, Technical Drawing and Further Mathematics

(xi) UNIZIK accepts Technical Drawing, Fine Arts and Economics. Accepts 'O' Level Pass in English Language.

(xii) UNN accepts five (5) 'O' Level credit passes which must include Mathematics, Physics and English Language.

(xiii) UNILORIN requires five (5) SSCE credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physic and any other subjects from the following lists: Geography, Technical Drawing, Economics, Chemistry, Commerce, Building Construction and Biology

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Direct Entry Requirements

These are the conditions you need to fulfill to gain Direct Entry admission to study Surveying and Geo-Informatics, if you don't intend to use UTME.

You require;

(i) Two 'A' level passes chosen from Mathematics or Physics and Chemistry, Geography or Fine Arts.

(ii) ND/HND upper credits in relevant field.


(i) ABU requires:
1. For Surveying and GeoInformatics;
a. Two (2) A Level passes chosen from Mathematics or Physics and Chemistry, Geography or Fine Arts.
b. ND/HND upper credits in relevant field. 

(ii) ATBU accepts for
a)Surveying and Geoinformatics, two (2) 'A' Level passes or equivalent in Mathematics, Physics and any of Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Fine Arts, Geography, Economics, Building Construction and Land Surveying.
b) ND/HND upper credit in programmes relevant to Architecture.

(iii) BELLS accepts;
a) two (2) 'A' Level passes in Mathematics, Physics and Economics. For Survey and Geoinformatics Chemistry instead of Economics.
b) ND/HND upper credit in Quantity Surveying. For Survey and Geoinformatics ND/HND upper credit in Land Surveying

(iv) ESUT accepts

a) first degree in relevant programmes. Also accepts HND upper credit into 400 level of the five (5) year programme.

 b) ND lower credit.

c) for Quantity Surveying 'A' Level/ND upper credit in Building and Quantity Surveying. 'A' Level pass is equally acceptable.

d) for Surveying and Geoinformatics, two (2) ‘A’ level passes in Mathematics and Physics in addition to UTME requirements. Accepts ND/HND in Land Surveying and Geoinformatics from Federal School of Surveying or any other NBTE accredited institution.

 e) 'A' Level Cambridge.
f) ND upper credit into 200 level from Federal School of Surveying or any other NBTE accredited institution.

(v)          FUTA accepts;

a)   ‘A’ Level, Passes at Credit level in Cambridge International Examination (CIE), Interim Joint Matriculation Board, (IJMB) examination, Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board   (JUPEB) examination or its equivalent in at least two of the following: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography and Economics; or

b)  ND from recognised Polytechnic or College of Technology at Upper Credit level in Quantity Surveying or Building Technology or other relevant fields in Environmental Design and Management.


For Surveying and Geoinformatics, FUTA requires;
a) ND in Surveying and Geoinformatics or any other related field with a minimum of Upper credit or equivalent from an NBTE-accredited programme of a Polytechnic or College of Technology; or
b) GCE or its equivalent with minimum of credit in at least two (2) subjects which must include Mathematics and Physics.

(vi) FUTO requires
a) at least three (3) 'A' Level passes not below C in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
b) ND/HND at Upper Credit level in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Geology, Environmental Sciences or Engineering.
c) First Degree in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Geology, Environmental Sciences or Engineering.
d) Very good passes in three JUPEB subjects namely Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. It does not accept NCE. Candidates must in addition meet the ‘O’ Level requirements.

(vii) UNILORIN accepts;
a) Advance level, H.S.C/IJMB or equivalent passes in Mathematics and Physic or any of the following subjects: Geography, Technical Drawing, Economics, Chemistry, Commerce, Building Construction and Biology are eligible to 200 level.
b) Holders of OND certificate in Quantity Surveying, Building, Architecture and allied professions at upper credit level may be considered for admission into 200 level.
c) Holders of HND in Quantity Surveying with Upper credits in both ND and HND may be considered for direct entry into 300 level.

(viii) IMSU accepts ND credit in Land Surveying and 'A' Level passes in Mathematics and Physics plus the UTME requirements could be admitted to 200 level. 'O' Level credit pass in Geography would be an advantage.

(ix) UNILAG – For Surveying and Geoinformatics accepts Very good passes in JUPEB subjects: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. ‘A’ level Cambridge. HND/ND (Minimum of Upper Credit) into 200 level. Federal School of Surveying Certificate into 300 level at a minimum of Upper Credit

For Quantity Surveying, accepts Very good passes in JUPEB/A’ Level subjects: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Economics and Geography. HND/ND (Upper Credits) requirements in relevant field into 300/200 level.

(x) MAUTECH accepts
a) IJMB/ GCE Two (2) A Level passes chosen from Mathematics and Physics.
b) ND/HND with Lower credits in Surveying, Physics, or any other relevant field.

(xi) FUTMINNA accepts ND upper credit or HND lower credit plus the UTME requirements.

(xii) FUTMINNA accepts ND/HND lower credit in relevant programmes and requires 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, Physics and any other two (2) relevant subjects.

(xiii) OAU requires
a) 'A' Level passes in Mathematics and any two (2) from Physics, Chemistry, Economics and Geography.
b) HND upper credit in Surveying, Civil Engineering, Building and Agricultural Engineering from NBTE accredited institutions.

(xiv) UNN accepts
a) 'A' Level passes in Mathematics and Physics or equivalents in addition to UTME requirements.
b) ND upper credit or equivalent in Surveying, from NBTE accredited institutions. c) first degree in the Physical Sciences and Engineering programmes

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