This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Mechanical Engineering under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in Nigeria.
We will also talk about;You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.
Mechanical Engineering can be studied under the Engineering, Environment & Technology in the following Nigerian Universities;
FUTO offers this course with options in:
(i) Air conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering Tech.
(ii) Automotive Engineering Tech.
(iii) Industrial and Prod. Engr. Tech.
(iv) Aeronautical Eng. Technology
In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Mechanical Engineering under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in the above listed universities include;
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
(i) OOU requires any three (3) of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology/Agricultural Science.
(ii) FUTA requires Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
(iii) UNIMAID requires Mathematics, Physics and any of Chemistry or Biology.
(iv) AFIT requires Mathematics, Physics and any other subject from Chemistry, Geography and Biology.
(v) FUTO requires Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
(vi) UNILORIN requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(vii) MAUTECH requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(viii) UNILAG requires English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics.
(ix) ABU accepts Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(x) UNIPORT requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(xi) LANDMARK requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Mechanical Engineering;
You require;Five (5) SSC credit passes to include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English Language and any other Science subject.
(i) BELLS require five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and any other Science subject.
(ii) FUOYE requires five (5) credits at SSC (or its equivalent) including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and one other Science subject from Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Biology/Agricultural Science.
(iii) FUNAAB requires 'O' Level credit pass in Biology.UNN – requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, at not more than two (2) sittings
(iv) FUNAAB and UNN -FUNAAB requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. UNN requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, at not more than two (2) sittings
(v) UI- requires five (5) or six (6) 'O' Level credit passes at one (1) or two (2) sittings to include English Language, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with any one (1) or two (2) of Biology/ Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical. Drawing, Economics, Geography, Metal Work, and Wood Work
(vi) UNIJOS, OSUSTECH and UNILAG require 'O' Level credit pass in Further Mathematics.
(vii) UNILAG requires Five O/Level credit passes in English, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(viii) LASU requires six (6) 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English Language, one Science subject and any other subject at not more than two (2) sittings.
(ix) UNIMAID accepts 'O' Level pass in English Language.
(x) MAUTECH requires Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Agricultural Science/Geography/Further Mathematics/Technical Drawing/Welding and Fabrication Engineering craft practice.
(xi) NDU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other subject at not more than two (2) sittings.
(xii) RSU accepts five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics or Further Mathematics and any other subject.
(xiii) ABU requires five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other Science subject.
(xiv) UNIUYO as in Computer Engineering. (xv) NDA requires one other Science/Technical subject from Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Biology and Geography.
(xvi) EDSU requires five (5) credit passes at SSC or its equivalent to include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English Language and any other Science subject.
(xvii) DELSU requires five (5) 'O’ Level credit passes in the SSC or its equivalent (at not more than two (2) sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(xviii) FUTA requires five (5) SSCE credit passes or its equivalent at a maximum of two (2) sittings in the following subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other Science subject.
(xix) NMU requires five (5) credits at SSCE or its equivalent in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Agricultural Science/Further Mathematics/Data Processing/Technical Drawing.
(xx) FUTO requires at least five (5) ‘O’ Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and any other science subject in not more than two (2) sittings. At least a Pass is required in Biology.
(xxi) UNILORIN - UTME candidates are required to obtain O’Level credits in Five (5) subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and any other relevant subject. Candidates who passed Further Mathematics and Technical Drawing at Credit levels stand at an advantage.
(xxii) LANDMARK requires Five (5) SSC credit passes to include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English Language and either credit pass in Further Mathematics, Biology or Technical Drawing.
(xxiii) UNIPORT requires Five (5) SSC credit passes to include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English Language and any other subject from Biology, Agricultural Science, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics
These are the conditions you need to fulfill to gain Direct Entry admission to study Mechanical Engineering, if you don't intend to use UTME.
You require;(i) Two (2) 'A' level passes from Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
(ii) ND upper credit, NCE technical and HND in Mech. Engineering.
(i) ABU accepts:
a. two (2) ‘A’ level /IJMB Passes in Mathematics and Physics.
b. ND in Mechanical Engineering with minimum of Upper Credit aggregate and Distinction in Mathematics from accredited institution.
c. HND with at least Lower Credit in Mechanical Engineering from accredited institution.
(ii) ABUAD, CRUTECH, IUO, EKSU and FUTMINNA - requires three (3) 'A' Level passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. ABUAD accept ND upper credit, HND lower credit in relevant areas plus UTME.
(iii) UNIABUJA accepts HND lower credit or ND upper credit in Mechanical Engineering from accredited institutions plus UTME requirements.
(iv) BELLS accepts;
a) two (2) 'A' Level passes in Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry.
b) ND/HND upper credit in Mechanical Engineering.
(v) UNIBEN - in addition to UTME requirements requires
(a) first degree Second Class Lower in Science or degree in Medicine, Dentistry or Pharmacy and PTI HND lower credit / ND upper credit.
(b) HND upper credit in Engineering/Technology and PTI upper credit into 300 levels.
(c) ND / HND holders should have 'A' grade in Mathematics.
UNIBEN accepts HND lower credit and ND upper credit plus UTME requirements.
(vi) CARITAS, UNIPORT and NDU - No Direct Entry.
(vii) COOU accepts ND/HND lower credit in Mechanical Engineering and at least 'O' Level pass in English Language.
(ix) FUNAAB accepts 'A' Level passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry or equivalents. FUNAAB accepts ND upper credit in Mechanical Engineering or relevant programmes.
(x) FUTA accepts;
a) OND upper credit, NCE technical and HND in Mech. Engineering; or
b) GCE (Advanced Level) or equivalent passes at one sitting with at least 6 points in at least two of the following subjects: Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
(xi) FUTO requires;
a) At least two ‘A’ Level passes not below Grade C in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
b) ND/HND at Upper Credit level in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology or Engineering.
c) First Degree in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology or Engineering.
d) Very good passes in three JUPEB subjects namely Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. It does not accept NCE. Candidates must in addition meet UTME ‘O’ Level requirements.
(xii) UI- accepts two (2) 'A' Level passes in Physics and Mathematics plus UTME requirements. Accepts ND/HND upper credit to 200/300 levels plus UTME requirements. Knowledge of Further Mathematics is an advantage for all Engineering Courses.
(xiii) UNILORIN – In addition to O’Level and Post-UTME requirements, candidates must have either of the following:
a) A’Level IJMB or approved equivalent Pass in Mathematics, (Pure or/and Applied), Physics, and Chemistry with a minimum of 10 points.
b) OND (Upper Credit) in Relevant Discipline with at least one year post diploma experience. Candidates with any of the following qualifications may be considered:
c) First Degree from Physical Sciences at Second Class Lower Division may be admitted into 200 Level.
d) HND in relevant Engineering discipline at Distinction or Upper Credits level from recognized Polytechnic or College of Technology after NYSC may be considered for upgrading to 300 Level.
e) First Degree Honours in Engineering discipline may be admitted into 300 Level of any other Engineering programme.
(xiv) UNIJOS requires two (2) 'A' Level passes in Mathematics and Physics. Accepts ND credit in Mechanical Engineering in addition to 'O' Level credit pass in Mathematics.
(xv) LAUTECH and UNIBEN accepts
) 'A’ Level Passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
b) ND/HND upper credit in related programmes plus the UTME requirements may be considered for admission into 200 level.
(xvi) LASU accepts
(a) ND distinction or HND upper credit into 200 level.
(b) HND distinction into 300 level.
(xvii) LAUTECH accepts Agricultural Science in lieu of Biology.
(xviii) MAUTECH accepts
(a) GCE `A’ level credits passes in relevant subjects which includes Maths, physics, Chemistry and Tech.Drawing.
(b) OND/HND with a minimum of lower credit in Mechanical Engineering and any relevant field.
(c) IJMB 7 points minimum in English, Physics, Chemistry/Mathematics.
(xix) FUTMINNA accepts ND/HND lower credits in relevant courses.
(xx) NDA requires the other Science subject from Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Biology and Geography.
(xxi) NDU, FUAM and UNN-
FUAM accepts
a) two (2) 'A' Level/IJMB passes in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. b) HND upper credit and first class degree in relevant programmes.
c) HND lower credit/ND upper credit, and NCE Technical.
d) NCE credit in relevant programmes plus UTME requirements.
NDU accepts
a) at least three (3) 'A' Level passes or equivalents in Physics, Mathematics/Further Mathematics and Chemistry and five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics/Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Admission should be to 200 level of study in a five (5) year degree programme.
b) ND/HND upper credit and above, in the relevant programmes from an approved Polytechnic or related institution. ND holders shall be admitted to the 200 level or study in a five (5) year degree programme while HND holders shall be admitted to 300 level. In addition to the above, candidates must have five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics/Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
UNN accepts:
a) 'A' Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics plus UTME requirements.
b) HND/ND/NCE in relevant programmes
c) complete pass in Intermediate ICAN examination or equivalent
d) Pass in final examinations of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries.
(xxii) OAU admits ND/HND upper credit in Mechanical Engineering to Part II and III appropriately.
(xxiii) OAU, BUK and FUTA - do not accept NCE Technical.
(xxiv) OOU accepts ND/HND in relevant programmes.
(xxv) ABUAD – requires three (3) 'A' Level passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. ABUAD accept ND upper credit, HND lower credit in relevant areas plus UTME
(xxvi) MOUAU and LAUTECH accept ND/HND upper credit into 200 and 300 levels respectively.
(xxvii) UNN – Same as in Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering.
(xxviii) UNIUYO- accepts ND/HND in relevant programmes plus UTME requirements
(xxix) CARITAS requires two (2) 'A' Level passes in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics plus 'O' Level credit pass in English Language. It also accepts ND, NCE Technical or HND in Mechanical Engineering for Direct Entry.
(xxx) RSU in addition to 'O' Level requirements accepts:
(a) HND (Lower Credit) in relevant discipline.
(b) OND/ND (Upper Credit) in relevant disciplines.
(c) At least three (3) ‘A’ level passes at GCE in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
(xxxi) EDSU accepts;
a) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
b) OND/HND not below credit level.
c) Very good passes in JUPEB/IJMB subjects: Literature in English and two (2) Arts or Social Sciences.
d) B.Sc. in Relevant field not below Second Class Lower.
(xxxi) DELSU requires
a) GCE ‘A’ Level passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry or equivalent.
b) Merit in DELSU Diploma in Engineering
c) ND in Engineering from Polytechnics with a grade not below than Upper Credit.
(xxxii) FUOYE requires two (2) ‘A’ Level passes from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
(xxxiii) FUPRE requires ‘A’ Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
(xxxiv) UNILAG accepts Very good passes in three JUPEB/A’ Level subjects: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. ‘A’ level Cambridge HND/ND (Upper Credit) in related Engineering courses.
(xxxv) UNIPORT accepts Three (3) Advanced level GCE or HSC or JUPEB or IJMB passes in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, including UTME entry requirements. OND (upper credit) in the relevant discipline from a recognized and COREN accredited institution including UTME entry requirements. HND (lower credit) in the relevant discipline from a recognized and COREN accredited institution with two (2) years working experience including UTME entry requirements
(xxxvi) LANDMARK requires Two (2) A-Level passes in Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry