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Business Education - Faculty of Education

This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Business Education under the Faculty of Education in Nigeria.

We will also talk about;
- The subject combinations needed to study Business Education
- JAMB UTME Subjects and Requirements
- O'Level Subjects and Requirements
- Direct Entry Requirements
- and other information you require to successfully gain admission to study Business Education.

You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.

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Business Education can be studied under the Education in the following Nigerian Universities;

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School Options

COOU    with options in 
1. Management
2. Accounting

EBSU: offers this course With options in:
1. Secretariat Education
2. Accountancy Education

KWASU   (with options in)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               i. Marketing
ii. Secretarial Studies 

RSUST: offers this course with options in:
1. Accountancy
2. Marketing
3. Management
4. Secretarial Education

UNIZIK: offers this course with options in
1. Commerce & Co-operatives
2. Secretarial Technology.

UNIUYO: with options in Accounting, offers the course as Accounting Education

Subject Combination / JAMB UTME Requirements

In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Business Education under the Faculty of Education in the above listed universities include;

Mathematics, Economics plus one (1) of Literature in English, History, Government, Geography, Chemistry and Physics.



(i) DELSU accepts Economics, Mathematics and any other Arts/Social Science/Science subject.

(ii) TASUED and UNIBEN require Mathematics, Economics and any other subject in the Arts or the Social Sciences.

(iii) UNILAG requires English Language, Mathematics Economics and any one of Arts or Social Sciences subject.

(iv) IAUE requires Mathematics, Economics plus one of Government History Geography, CRK, Commerce, Civic Education. For Marketing Education IAUED requires English, Mathematics, Government, Economics.

(v) ATBUI accepts Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.

(vi) KWASU accepts English Language, Mathematics plus any other two(2) Social Science subjects.

(vii) UNN requires Mathematics, Economics, plus one (1) of Commerce, History, Government, Geography, Chemistry or Physics.

(viii) OOU requires Economics or Commerce and any two (2) other Arts or Social Science subjects.

(ix) MAUTECH requires Economics and two (2) of Government, Geography, Commerce, Principles of Accounts and Mathematics.

(x) RSU requires Mathematics, Economics and any other Arts or Social Science subjects for (Accountancy, Management and Marketing options) and accepts Economics and any other two (2) Arts or Social Sciences subject for Secretarial Education.

(xi) UNIMAID requires Mathematics, any of Economics/Principles of Accounts/Commerce and any of Literature in English, History, Government, Geography, Chemistry and Physics.

(xii) BSU requires Mathematics, Economics and any one of Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Social Science Subject.

(xiii) EBSU accepts Mathematics, Economics and Principles of Accounts/Commerce 

(xiv) UNILORIN requires Mathematics and any TWO (2) of the following subjects: Commerce, Financial Accounting, Economics and Geography.

(xv) ABU requires Use of English and Mathematics plus any two commercial subjects.

(xvi) UNIPORT requires Mathematics, Economics or Commerce and any other subject from French, Literature in English, History/Government, CRK/IRK, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Physics, Igbo/Hausa/Yoruba, Fine Art, Geography, Accounting.

(xvii) FUL requires requires Mathematics, Economics or Commerce or Accounting plus One (1) of Literature in English, History, Government, Chemistry and Physics.

(xviii) YABA-DEG English Language, Mathematics, Economics plus one (1) other subject from: Commerce, Office Practice, Principles/Financial Accounting, Secretarial/Clerical Office Duties, Typewriting, Shorthand, Book Keeping, Business Management, Government, History, Civic Education, Information & Communication Technology, Salesmanship, Marketing, Store Keeping/Management, Type writing and Stenography.

O'Level Requirements

The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Business Education;

You require;

Five (5) TC II merit, 'O' Level or NTC/NBC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two (2) other subjects in the Social Sciences or Arts. For NBC, the other subjects could be from any of the following: Commerce, Office Practice, Principles of Accounts, Secretarial Duties, Typewriting and Shorthand.



(i) ALVAN and UNIZIK accept credit in RSA Business Studies stage II.

(ii) EBSU accepts five (5) TCII Merit, SSC or NTC/NBC credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two other subjects in the Social Science or Arts. For NBC holders, the subject could be from any of the following: Commerce, Office Practice, Principles of Accounts, Secretarial Duties, Typewriting and Shorthand.

(iii) RSUST requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any two subjects from Business Management, Accounting, Type-Writing, Shorthand, Government, Commerce, etc.

(iv) UNN requires 'O' Level credit passes in five (5) subjects which must include, English language, Mathematics and any three (3) of the following subjects: Economics, History, Commerce, Financial Accounting, Typewriting, Government, Geography, Physics and Chemistry

(v) UNIBEN accepts Commerce in lieu of Economics.

(vi) ATBU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics/Social Studies and any two (2) subjects.

(vii) TASUED requires five 'O' Level credit passes at one (1) sitting or six (6) 'O' Level credit passes at two (2) sittings in English Language, Mathematics and any other three (3) subjects in the Social Sciences or Arts which must include Economics.

(viii) NDU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, and any three (3) of Principles of Accounts, Commerce/Economics, Insurance, Store Keeping/Management, Word Processing, including any one (1) of the Social Sciences at not more than two (2) sittings.

(ix) IAUE: For admission by UTME entry into the department of Management for first degree programme must possess the minimum qualification of senior secondary school certificate SSCE, or its equivalent with the following credits; Level passes in five (5) subjects to include English language, Mathematics and three (3) other subjects like Economics, Government History, Commerce, Business Methods, Accounting, Geography, CRK, Civic Education. For Marketing Education IAUED requires five (5) ‘O’ level subjects. i.e. WACE or NECO/GCE at credit level which includes English, Mathematics, Economics or Commerce, Government, Christian Religious Knowledge or Marketing.

(x) LASU accepts any one (1) of Business Methods, Principles of Account, Book Keeping or Commerce.

(xi) KWASU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics plus any one (1) of Economics, Commerce, Financial Accounting, Typewriting plus any two (2) other Social Science subjects.

(xii) UNILAG accepts Five O/Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two subjects from Arts or Social Sciences, Data Processing/Office Practice, Financial Accounting.

(xiii) DELSU requires five (5) 'O’ Level credit passes which must include English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any other two (2) subjects at not more than two (2) sittings.

(xiv) FUOYE requires five (5) TC II merit, SSC or NTC/NBC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics/Commerce and two (2) other subjects in the Social Science or Arts. For NBC holders, the other subjects could be from any of the following: Commerce, Office Practice, Principles of Accounts, Secretarial Duties, Typewriting and Shorthand.

(xv) BSU requires English language, mathematics, and any other 3 subjects from Social Sciences and Business related courses and Economics from SC/GCE/SSCE or NTC/NBC/WASSCE/RSA Business Studies (stage ii intermediate).

(xvi) UNIUYO requires five (5) ‘O’ Level credits, which must include English Language, Mathematics in WASC, SSCE/NECO/GCE ‘O’ level NABTEB and any three (3) of Business Education, and Social Science subjects at not more than two (2) sittings. NOTE: Biology Education or Agric in place of Physics can be considered.

(xvii) UNIILORIN requires five (5) Ordinary Levels credit in GCE/SSCE/NECO/NABTEB/ Equivalent, to include English Language, Mathematics, and any three of the following Business (Commercial) and Social Science subjects at not more than two sittings: Financial Accounting, Business Management (Business Methods), Commerce, Word Processing (Typewriting), Shorthand, Marketing, Office Practice, Salesman, Insurance, Information and Communication Technology, Economics, Government and Geography.

(xviii) ABU requires Five ‘O’ level credit passes including English Language and Mathematics and any two Commercial Subjects.

(xix) UNIPORT requires Five (5) O Level Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Economics or Commerce and any other two (2) subjects from French, Literature in English, History/Government, CRK/IRK, Mathematics Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Physics, Igbo/Hausa/Yoruba, Fine Art, Geography, Accounting.

(xx) FUL requires . Five (5) TC II merit, 'O' level or NTC/NBC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics or Accounting and two (2) other subjects in the Social Sciences or Arts.For NBC, the other subjects could be from any of the following: Commerce, Office Practice, Principles of Accounts, Secretarial Duties, Typewriting and Shorthand.

(xxi) YABA-DEG requires Five (5) TC II merit, O Level or NTC/NBC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two (2) other subjects in the Social Sciences or Arts. For NBC, the other subjects could be from any of the following: Commerce, Office Practice, Principles/Financial Accounting, Secretarial/Clerical Office Duties, Typewriting, Shorthand, Book Keeping, Business Management, Government/History/Civic Education, Information & Communication Technology, Salesmanship/Marketing, Store Keeping/Management, Type writing and Stenography

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Direct Entry Requirements

These are the conditions you need to fulfill to gain Direct Entry admission to study Business Education, if you don't intend to use UTME.

You require;

(i) Two (2) 'A' Level passes or NCE merit in two (2) relevant subjects.

(ii) NCE merit in Business Education Double Major. 



(i) ALVAN and UNIZIK accept FTC/NSEC in National Secretariat Examination. Advanced level in Business Studies to include either Shorthand/Typewriting or Accounting and Commerce or Economics.

(ii) ABSU and UNIBEN accepts ND credit in Mathematics but includes UTME requirements for UNIBEN

(iii) ALVAN, ESUT and UNIZIK accept NCE merit/credit in Business Education.

(xii) EBSU accepts HND and NCE/OND with minimum of Merit and Upper credit respectively. And;

a) For Secretarial Option; NCE/ND in Secretarial Education with at least Upper credit from accredited institution or Diploma in Secretarial Studies or Accounting from recognized Polytechnics.

b) For Accounts option; five (5) Merit/Credit passes at Teachers grade II Certificate.

(v) UNIUYO accepts NCE, ND upper credit, HND lower credit in relevant programmes plus the UTME requirements.

(vi) ALVAN and UNN - plus UTME requirements.

(vii) ALVAN requires 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics and English Language.

(viii) RSU in addition to 'O' Level requirements accepts:

(a) HND (Lower Credit) in relevant discipline.

(b) OND/ND (Upper Credit) in Business Education or in related area.

(c) NCE in Business Education or related areas with a minimum of two credits and a merit.

(d) Two (2) GCE/HSC ‘A’ Level at credit or above level.

(ix) IAUE: Candidates seeking admission by Direct Entry must have higher level qualifications such as GCE A level or equivalent, NCE, ND, HND with the appropriate classification provided. Candidates also satisfy the general entry requirements for admission into the University. In addition, candidates must satisfy the department entry requirements. For Marketing Education IAUED requires 2 ‘A’ level (GCE) Subjects at credit pass in relevant subjects or NCE/OND at credit pass.

(x) UNIUYO accepts;

a) NCE in relevant subject(s) or overall merit pass or above.

b) Advanced level GCE or Advanced level NABTEB or JUPEB passes in two (2) relevant subjects.

c) National diploma (minimum of lower credit level) in any area related to Business Education.

(xi) UNN accepts

(a) two (2) 'A' Level passes plus the UTME requirements.

(b) NCE merit in Business Education plus the UTME requirements

(c) ND lower credit in Secretarial Studies/Administration from any recognized polytechnic plus the UTME requirements.

(d) full Technical Certificate/National Secretarial Examination Certificate at 'A' Level in Business Studies plus the UTME requirements.

(xii) UNIMAID accepts NCE, ND/HND lower credit in Agricultural Science.

(xiii) UNIBEN requires

(a)NCE merit/credit in Business Education/Accounting in two (2) or three (3) subjects plus two (2) or three (3) 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, Economics/Commerce and English Language.

(b) Joint Examination Board (JEB) London Teachers Diploma in RSA Shorthand and Typing, National Secretarial Certificate, National Teachers Certificate (NTTC) in addition to Advanced Certificate Shorthand and Typing in RSA, NSC, plus five (5) 'O' Level credit passes.

(c) ND upper credit in Accounting, Banking and Finance, Business Studies, Secretarial Studies plus three(3) 'O' Level credit passes at one (1) sitting.

(xiv) ATBU accepts

a) NCE in Business Education Secretarial/Office Practice, Accounting, Management at merit and above. ND Business Management, Business Administration Account, Public Administration at lower credit and above.

b) two (2) 'A' Level passes in any of the subjects listed under the UTME requirements.

c) Pass in NCE, ND and Grade II with four (4) years teaching experience.

(xv) BIU requires, in addition to the UTME requirements specified in the table above, two (2)'A' Level passes in relevant subjects or NCE merit/credit in relevant subjects.

(xvi) TASUED accepts

i. NCE merit in teaching subjects.

ii. ND/HND upper credit in Business Education, Commerce, Accounting and any other related discipline.

(xvii) LASU accepts, in addition to UTME requirements, two (2) 'A' Level passes or NCE merit in Business Methods, Principles of Accounting, Book Keeping, Commerce or Economics. Does not accept ND or HND.

(xviii) KWASU accepts (a) two (2) 'A' Level passes /IJMB or equivalent, one (1) of which must be in relevant subject.

(b) ND upper credit in Office Technology and Management, Secretarial Studies and Accounting

(c) HND lower credit in Secretarial Studies, Accounting and Marketing (d) NCE merit and above in relevant subjects.

(e) Preference will be given to NCE holders.

(xix) NDU accepts: Direct Entry Applicants into 300 Level in a 4-year Degree Programme

a. NCE credit or higher in two (2) major subjects in relevant areas.

b. HND Certificate with passes at credit level or higher in a relevant programme.

c. For B.Ed Technology programme Holders of NCE and HND credit or higher in the relevant programme. Direct Entry Applicants into 200 Level in a 4-year Degree Programme

(xx) BSU requires;

a) Preliminary degree candidates (from Benue State University only) must pass at least five (5) out of the six (6) subjects studied with pass level of at least 50% in each subjects.

b) NCE use of English is acceptable in lieu of ‘O’ Level in English Language.

c) ‘A’ Level pass in any of the acceptable subjects.

d) ND/HND in relevant field of studies with upper credit, form accredited institution, full technological certificate (FTC) WAEC/RSA Advanced in Business Studies which must include Typewriting or Accounting and Commerce/Economics with a grade C Passes. Any of the above plus ‘O’ Level requirements.

e) At least merit passes at NCE, plus ‘O’ Level requirements in relevant areas.

f) Any other qualification that may be considered appropriate by Benue State University, Makurdi.

(xxi) UNILAG accepts a. NCE merit in Business Education Double Major.

b. very good passes in three (3) JUPEB subjects: Economics and any two (2) of Accounting, Geography, Government, Business Management.

c. two (2) 'A' Level passes in two (2) relevant subjects

d. NCE merit in two (2) relevant subjects: Financial Accounting and Office Management

e. Candidates must satisfy the UTME requirement

(xxii) UNIILORIN accepts;

a) NCE Business Education Double Major Plus Five Ordinary level credits in GCE/ GCE/SSCE/NECO/NABTEB/Equivalent to include English Language Mathematics, and any three of the following Business (Commercial) and Social Science subjects at not more than two sittings: Financial Accounting, Business Management (Business Methods), Commerce, Word Processing (Typewriting), Shorthand, Marketing, Office Practice, Salesman, Insurance, Information and Communication Technology, Economics, Government and Geography.

b) NCE business education with the following options: (accounting, secretarial studies and marketing) plus five ordinary level credits in GCE/SSCE/NECO/NABTEB/ Equivalent, to include English Language, Mathematics, and any three of the following Business (Commercial) and Social Science subjects at not more than two sittings: Financial Accounting, Business Management (Business Methods), Commerce, Word Processing (Typewriting), Shorthand, Marketing, Office Practice, Salesman, Insurance, Information and Communication Technology, Economics, Government and Geography.

c) NCE Economics Education plus five Ordinary Levels credit in GCE/SSCE/NECO/NABTEB/ Equivalent, to include English Language, Mathematics, and any three of the following Business (Commercial) and Social Science subjects at not more than two sittings: Financial Accounting, Business Management (Business Methods), Commerce, Word Processing (Typewriting), Shorthand, Marketing, Office Practice, Salesman, Insurance, Information and Communication Technology, Economics, Government and Geography.

d) ’A’ level passes in GCE/IJMB/NABTEB in any two of the following subjects: Accounting, Economics and Business Management plus five O’ Level credits in English Language, Mathematics, and any three of the following Business (Commercial) and Social Science subjects at not more than two sittings: Financial Accounting, Business Management (Business Methods), Commerce, Word Processing (Typewriting), Shorthand, Marketing, Office Practice, Salesman, Insurance, Information and Communication Technology, Economics, Government and Geography.

(xxiii) DELSU requires at least merit pass in NCE or upper credit in DELSU Diploma Business Education.

(xxiv) UNILAG accepts NCE merit level pass in Business Education (Double Major). Very good passes in three JUPEB subjects: Economics and any two of Accounting, Geography, Government, Business Management. Three ‘A’ Level passes in any relevant subjects. NCE with Merit passes in two relevant subjects Financial Accounting, Office Management.

(xxv) ABU accepts NCE, Minimum of Merit pass in Business Education and Education. Two credit passes at IJMB in either Economics, Business Management, Accounting etc. ABU Diploma with Merit Pass in related discipline.

(xxvi) UNIPORT accepts Two (2) A/level GCE or HSC or JUPEB or IJMB passes in the relevant subjects including UTME entry requirements.NCE with Credit Passes in the relevant subjects including UTME entry requirements from recognized Institutions for a 2- year degree programme.OND with (Upper Credit) or HND with Merit Pass in the relevant subjects including UTME entry requirements from recognized Institutions of higher learning

(xxvii) FUL accepts Two (2) 'A’ level passes or NCE merit in two (2) relevant subjects. NCE merit in Business Education double major.

(xxviii)YABA-DEG accepts Two (2) A Level passes or NCE merit in two (2) relevant subjects. NCE merit in Business Education Double Major. At least Lower Credit in ND Business Administration/Management, Marketing, Accountancy, Banking & Finance and Office Technology Management

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