This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Computer Science under the Faculty of Sciences in Nigeria.
We will also talk about;You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.
Computer Science can be studied under the Sciences in the following Nigerian Universities;
In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Computer Science under the Faculty of Sciences in the above listed universities include;
Mathematics and any two (2) of Geography, Physics, Economics or Chemistry.
i) KAD-POLY requires Mathematics, Physics and any two (2) from Social or Physical Sciences.
ii) FEDAMIN-IBD requires Mathematics and any two (2) from Geography, Biology/Agricultural Science, Economics or Chemistry.
iii) FECOFOR-JOS accepts one (1) of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, Biology and Geography.
iv) IMTE requires Physics.
v) NASARAWA POLY requires Mathematics, Physics and any one (1) of Biology, Chemistry or Geography/Economics.
vi) DAMATURU requires Mathematics, Physics and any one (1) of Geography, Economics or Chemistry.
vii) NILEST requires Physics, Mathematics and Economics/Geography.
viii) SURE-POLY requires Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or any other Science subject.
ix) FEDAGRIC-AKR requires Mathematics and any two (2) of Geography, Physics, Economics or Chemistry.
x) SURE-POLY requires Physics, Mathematics, and any other subject.
xi) BAUCHI POLY requires Mathematics and any other two (2) subjects from Physics, Geography, Economics/Commerce, Chemistry, Biology and Agricultural Science.
xii) FSS-MANCHOK requires any three (3) subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, Biology and Economics.
xiii) YABATECH requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Computer Science;
You require;Five (5) SSC credit passes in Mathematics, a basic science and three (3) other subjects chosen from the following:
Further Mathematics,
Biology/Agricultural Science.
English Language,
'O' Level credit passes in English Language and Physics is compulsory.
i) ADAMAWA POLY, IMTE, and ABIAPOLY accept 'O' Level pass in Physics.
ii) PH-POLY requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include Physics, English Language, Mathematics, plus any two (2) of Statistics, Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Economics and Biology. YABATECH requires the 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings.
iii) SARO-WIWA POLY and AG-POLY require 'O' Level credit pass in English.
iv) NUBAPOLY does not accept Geography and Economics as UTME subjects.
v) LASPOTECH requires at least 'O' Level pass in Physics, 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics and a Social Science subject.
vi) IBADAN POLY does not accept Geography as UTME subject. Does not also accept Government, History and Food & Nutrition as course requirements.
vii) YABATECH requires five (5) O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any one (1) from the following: Geography, Biology/Agricultural Science, Book Keeping/Economics/Commerce and Data Processing.
viii) KAD-POLY - requires 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics and a Social Science subject. The two (2) other subjects should include Physics as a basic science subject and at least a pass in English Language, Food & Nutrition is not acceptable.
ix) FEDPO-ADO requires 'O' Level pass in English Language and four (4) 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, Physics and two (2) subjects from the social Sciences and one (1) from the Science.
x) LAG-CITY accepts 'O' Level credit pass in Chemistry in lieu of credit in Physics.
xi) FEDPO-ADO offer the course as Computer Studies.
xii) OFFA POLY requires 'O' Level credit passes in Chemistry and one (1) of Basic Electrical/Electronics, Additional Mathematics and Technical Drawing.
xiii) OSUNPOLY does not accept History and Food and Nutrition as Course requirements.
xiv) EDE POLY accepts two (2) other subjects from the following: Chemistry, Economics, Geography, ICT/Data Processing, Government/History, Further Mathematics and Biology/Agricultural Science.
xv) IGBAJO accepts five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Chemistry, Physics and any other two (2) subjects from the following: Mathematics, Biology/Agriculture, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Economics at not more than two (2) sittings.
xvi) NEKEDE and FIDEIPLOY require 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, Physics, English Language and two (2) other subjects from Statistics, Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Economics/Commerce, Biology/Agricultural Science, government/History, Technical Drawing, Information Communication Technology.
xvii) KWARA POLY requires 'O' Level credit pass in Physics and does not accept Government/History and Typewriting as Course requirements. Also accepts 'O' Level credit passes in Food & Nutrition in lieu of Agricultural Science/ Biology as Course requirements.
xviii) FEDPO-NAM accepts candidates with TC Grade II Certificate, Federal Craft Certificate, City and Guides, Intermediate with credit in English Language and Mathematics and any other three (3) relevant subjects from Physics, Biology/Agricultural Science and Chemistry, 'O' Level pass in Wood Work, Metal Work, Technical Drawing or Arts will be an advantage or other qualification acceptable to the Polytechnic.
xix) RUGIPO accepts either 'O' Level credit pass in English Language or 'O' Level pass in Chemistry or vice versa.
xx) FCAT-KANO accepts four (4) 'O' Level credit passes in an NBTE recognised Preliminary ND credit course offered in a Polytechnic or similar post-secondary technical institution. 'O' Level credit passes must include Mathematics, Physics, English Language and any other subject.
xxi) SARO-WIWA POLY accepts Mathematics, Physics and any one (1) of Further Mathematics, Economics or Chemistry as UTME subjects.
xxii) BAUCHI POLY does not accept Geography, Physics and Mathematics as Core subjects.
xxiii) NOGAK accepts 'O' Level pass in English Language and 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, Physics and any two from Social Sciences.
xxiv) IMO POLY requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, A Basic Science subject and any two (2) other subjects from the following: Economics, Statistics, Geography, Government/History, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, and Typewriting. At least 'O' Level pass in Physics is compulsory.
xxv) FECOFOR-JOS requires five (5) 'O' level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two (2) of Chemistry, Biology, Geography, and Economics as course requirements.
xxvi) TOPS requires four (4) 'O' Level credit passes at one (1) sitting or five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings to include Mathematics and English Language, Physics/Basic Electricity/Electronics and any other subject(s) from the following: Chemistry/Biology/Agricultural Science/Food & Nutrition, Computer Studies/Data Processing, Economics/Commerce, Geography, Further Mathematics.
xxvii) FEDWILD-NBUS - 'O' Level passes in English Language and Physics are compulsory. 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics and three (3) other subjects chosen from the following - Economics, Geography, Government/History, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, English Language, Typewriting.
xxviii) OYSCATECH requires five (5) 'O' level credit passes to include Mathematics, English Language, Physics, Biology/Agricultural Science and any other one (1) from Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Geography, Economics and Type-writing.
xxix) AKCAS requires 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry/Biology and any other two (2) subjects from Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Statistics, Technical Drawing, Physics, Chemistry and 'O' Level pass in English Language.
xxx) FEDANIM-VOM requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include Mathematics, English Language, a Basic Science, two (2) other subjects from the subject listed. At least 'O' Level pass in Physics is also required.
xxxi) OSUNPOLY accepts 'O' Level credit passes in ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies.
xxxii) NILEST requires at least five (5) 'O' Level credit passes or its equivalent in Mathematics, Physics, English Language and any other from Chemistry, Geography, Economics or Biology/Agricultural Science at not more than two (2) sittings.
xxxiii) SURE-POLY requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other subject at not more than two (2) sittings.
xxxiv) EDE POLY requires or its equivalent five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two (2) from the following; Chemistry, Economics, ICT/Data Processing, Biology/Agricultural Science.
xxxv) ILARO requires 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, a basic Science and any two of the following: Economics, Geography, Government/History, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, Typewriting. Electrical Installation & Maintenance Work, Electronics, Radio/ Television and Electronics Works, Computer Craft Practice. A pass in Physics is compulsory for Computer Science and Relevant NTC/NBC&NVC Trades.
xxxvi) SURE-POLY requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two (2) of the following: Chemistry, Economics, Geography, Agric, Biology in not more than 2 sittings.
xxxvii) BAUCHI POLY requires 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, a basic Science and three (3) other subjects from Economics, Geography, Government/History, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science or Typewriting. Credit passes in English Language and Physics are compulsory.
xxxviii) FSS-MANCHOK requires five (5) credit passes in Mathematics, a basic Science and three (3) other subjects from Economics, Geography, Government, Physics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Biology/Agricultural Science and English Language. A pass in English Language is required.
xxxix) GRUNDTVIG accepts five (5) SSC credit passes in Mathematics, a basic science and three (3) other subjects chosen from the following:
Economics, Geography, Government/History, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, English Language, Typewriting, O Level credit passes in English Language and Physics is compulsory.