- and other information you require to successfully gain admission to study Statistics.
Direct Entry Requirements
These are the conditions you need to fulfill to gain Direct Entry admission to study Statistics, if you don't intend to use UTME.
You require;
a) KWA-POLY and ADAMAWAPOLY require credit in one Science Subject.
b) IBADANPOLY accepts Credit passes in Economic/Commerce, Statistics and at least a Pass in English Language but does not accept History.
c) IMTE does not insist on credit in Physics, and does not accept History, Commerce and Food & Nut. as subject for course requirements.
e) AGP requires credit in English Language.
f) EKITIPOLY requires an additional credit in a science subject.
g) NASARAWAPOLY requires credits in Mathematics, a Social Sci. Subject, a basic Sci. subject and one other from the subjects listed in column 2 for Comp. Sci. Also a pass in English Language is required.
h) NASARAWAPOLY requires Mathematics and Economics, Commerce/Geo/Govt as UTME subjects.
i) YABATECH requires credit in English Language, Mathematics and any of Physics, Chemistry, Economics/Commerce, Biology or Further Mathematics Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Economics, Biology/Agricultural Science, Commerce or Accounting, Government/History at not more than two sittings.
j) ILAROPOLY requires credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, a basic science subject and two other subjects chosen from Economics/Commerce, Geography, Government/History, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Agricultural Science as course requirement.
k) EDEPOLY does not aspect on credit in Physics and does not accept Commerce.
l) IGBAJO and FIDEIPOLY require five credit in Mathematics, Eng. Lang, Physics and any other two subjects from the following: Chemistry, Bio/Agric, Further Math, Technical Drawing at not more than two sitting
m) NEKEDEPOLY accepts Chemistry or Biology in place of Physics. Also does not accept Commerce and Government as UTME subjects.
o) RUGIPO requires Mathematics and any two of Geography, Physics, Economics and Chemistry as UTME subject combination.
p) KWARAPOLY accepts Statistics as course requirement.
q) RUGIPO accepts a pass in English Language.
r) EDEPOLY requires credit in one Science Subject and does not accept Typewriting.
s) AKANUPOLY accepts Mathematics and any two of Further Mathematics or Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, Economics or Geography or Commerce.
t) OFFAPOLY requires Mathematics as UTME subject and any two other from Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, Economics/ Geography/Commerce/Government.
u) BAUCHIPOLY accepts Mathematics as core UTME subject plus any three of Economics/Commerce/Government, and any Science subject.
v) OSPOLY requires credit pass in one basic Science subject.
w) IBADANPOLY requires credit passes in Mathematics, English Language, Physics and any other two from Economics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science.
x) FCFJOS requires Five O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two of Chemistry, Biology, Geography, and Economics as course requirement.
y) MAPOLY accepts four credits at not more than two sittings to include Mathematics with at least a pass in English language. English Language is not counted as required credit pass.
z) AISCAS requires credit passes in Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry and any other two subjects from Biology/Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Statistics, Technical Drawing, Physics, Chemistry and a pass in English Language.