This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Estate Mangement And Valuation under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in Nigeria.
We will also talk about;You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.
Estate Mangement And Valuation can be studied under the Engineering, Environment & Technology in the following Nigerian Universities;
In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Estate Mangement And Valuation under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in the above listed universities include;
Mathematics and any two (2) of Economics, Arts, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
i) KAD-POLY accepts Mathematics, Economics and any one (1) from Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, Geography, Commerce, Financial Accounting, Technical Drawing or Fine Art.
ii) TOPS requires Economics.
iii) AKPOLY accepts Mathematics, Economics and any other subjects.
iv) IMT-ENU accepts Biology/Agricultural Science.
v) FEDPO-NAS requires Mathematics and any two (2) of Economics/Commerce, Geography/ Agricultural Science, Arts, Physics, Chemistry or Biology as UTME subjects.
vi) FEDPO-DAM accepts Geography
vii) FEDPO-ILA accepts Mathematics and any two of Economics, Fine Arts, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography
viii) FEDPO-BAU requires any three (3) subjects from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Commerce, Geography, Fine Art, Agricultural Science, Biology and Technical Drawing.
ix) YABATECH accepts Mathematics, Economics, Chemistry/Physics.
x) OFFA POLY requires Uses of English Language, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject from the following: Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Geography, Government, Account, Commerce, Fine Art Metal Works, Technical Drawing and Woodwork.
The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Estate Mangement And Valuation;
You require;Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, English Language, a basic science subject and any two (2) from the following: Geography, Economics/Commerce, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Fine Art, Woodwork, Literature, Metal Work, Principles of Accounts and Book Keeping, Government
i) AUCHIPOLY, IBD-POLY, LASPOTECH, OSUNTECH, KWA-POLY, FEDPO-OKO and FEDPONEK require 'O' Level credit pass in English Language.
ii) ADOPOLY and KAD-POLY accept Woodwork, Literature in English, Metal Work and Accounts as course requirements. ADOPOLY does not accept Metal Work.
iii) YABATECH requires five (5) O Level credit passes in Mathematics, English Language, Economics and Physics/Chemistry and one out of the following in not more than two (2) sittings: Basic Surveying, Geography, Biology/Agric. Science, Technical Drawing/Fine Art, Literature in English, Metal Work, Principles of Accounts.
iv) IBD-POLY requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings. Also requires 'O' Level credit pass in Economics. It accepts Commerce, Basic Surveying and Agricultural Science as part of course requirements.
v) TOPS requires credit pass in Economics.
vi) EDEPOLY requires 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and one (1) Basic Science/Physical Science and any other one (1) subject from the following: Geography, Technical Drawing, Government.
NB Physical Sciences include: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
vii) IBD-POLY accepts Government, Social Studies and Commerce as part of course requirements.
viii) PLS-POLY requires 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any one (1) from Economics, Biology, Biology/Agricultural Science, Physics, Chemistry and Fine Arts.
ix) KWA-POLY does not accept Agricultural Science, Commerce and Accounts.
x) FIDEIPOLY and RUGIPO require five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings to include a Basic Science subject, Mathematics, English Language and two (2) other subjects from Chemistry, Fine Art, Geography, Economics, Physics, Biology/Agricultural Science, Government, Technical Drawing and Accounts.
xi) FEDPO-AIU requires four (4) 'O' level credit passes to include Mathematics, English Language, Economics, a Basic Science subject (Physics, Biology or Chemistry) and any of Geography, Agricultural Science, Technical drawing, Woodwork, Literature, Metal Work, Accounting or Basic Survey. It also requires Mathematics and any two (2) of Economics, Physics, Chemistry and Agricultural Science as UTME subject.
xii) OFFAPOLY requires Credit Passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics one basic science subject from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Agricultural Science and any other subject from Geography, Government, Financial Account, Commerce, Fine Art, Metal Work, Technical Drawing or Wood Work.
xiii) FEDPO-BAU requires Mathematics, English Language, a basic science subject and any two (2) from Geography, Economics/Commerce, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Fine Art, Woodwork, Literature, Metal Work, Principles of Accounts, Book keeping and Government.
xiv) IMO-POLY requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings which must include English Language, Mathematics and Economics or Geography, Physics/Chemistry and any of the following: Technical Drawing, Financial Accounting, Biology/Agricultural Science. Does not accept Art as a UTME subject, but require 'O' Level credit pass in English Language
xv) TOPS POLY and KAZURE require 'O' Level credit pass in Economics.
xvi) ILA POLY requires 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, a basic Science and any two of the following: Geography, Economics/Commerce, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Studies, Technical Drawing, Painting and Decoration, Graphics Design, Civic Education, Woodwork, Plumbing, and Pipe Fitting, Literature in English, Metal Work, Principles of Cost Accounting, Book Keeping, Government, Financial Accounting, Computer Craft Studies, Draughtsmanship, Machine Wood-Working, Fabrication, and Welding.