This entire page attempts to cover the List of Schools that offer Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering / Technology under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in Nigeria.
We will also talk about;You need to read the entire content of this page to get all the knowledge you require for this course.
Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering / Technology can be studied under the Engineering, Environment & Technology in the following Nigerian Universities;
In UTME, please note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three (3) other JAMB UTME subject combination needed to study Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering / Technology under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in the above listed universities include;
Mathematics and Physics/Technical Drawing, Chemistry or any two (2) Science subjects.
i) KAD-POLY requires Mathematics, Physics and any other subject from Biology/Agricultural Science or Chemistry as the UTME subjects
ii) FEDPO-BAU requires Mathematics, Physics and any one subject from Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, Geography and Technical Drawing.
The O'level subject combination and requirements needed to study Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering / Technology;
You require;Five (5) SSC credit passes in Mathematics, English Language, Physics and any two (2) of the following:
Biology/Agricultural Science
Technical Drawing
Basic Electronics/Basic Electricity
Auto Mechanics
Metal Work
Further Mathematics
Food and Nutrition
i) FEDPO-ILA requires 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one subject from: Biology/Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Auto Body Repair and Spray Painting, Auto Electrical Works, Auto Mechanical Works, Auto Mechanics, Auto Parts Merchandising, Blocklaying/Bricklaying and Concreting, Building Construction, Carpentry and Joinery, Electrical Installation & Maintenance Work, Electronics/Basic Electronics, Furniture Making, GSM Phone Maintenance and Repairs, Metal Work, Machine Woodworking, Mining, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting, Radio/ Television and Electronics Works, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Welding and Fabrication Engineering Craft Practice, General Metal Works, Computer Studies, Data Processing, Basic Electricity, Drawing & Design, Implements & Machines, Tractor System, Motor Vehicle Mechanical Works, Automobile Electrical Works, Vehicle Body Building, Light Vehicle Body Repair Works, Instrument Mechanics Works, Appliance Maintenance and Repairs (Electrical/Mechanical Appliance and Projectors Maintenance) Machines Maintenance, Foundry Craft Practice, Marine Engineering Craft, Ship Building Craft Practice, Computer Craft Studies, Introduction Building Construction,
ii) OSUNPOLY accepts 'O' Level credit passes in Civic Education/Government, Agricultural Science/ Biology/Animal Husbandry, Welding/Auto Part Merchandizing, and Computer Studies/ ICT/Data Processing.
iii) KAD-POLY requires 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any one (1) of Biology/Agricultural Science, Technical Drawing, Basic Electronics, Auto Mechanics, Metal Work, Further Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Food and Nutrition. At least 'O' Level passes in Chemistry and Biology. Agricultural Science is necessary as course requirements.
iv) OKE-OGUN POLY requires 'O' Level credit passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as course requirements. Also requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as UTME subjects.
v) OZORO requires Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/Chemistry as UTME subjects.
vi) FEDAGRIC-AKR accepts four (4) 'O' Level credit passes in NBTE recognised Pre-ND courses offered in a Polytechnic or similar Post Secondary institutions. The four (4) 'O' Level credit passes must be from the subjects specified in Course Requirement Column above.
vii) YABATECH requires 'O' Level credit passes in Chemistry and Biology/Agricultural Science as the fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) subjects. Also requires Mathematics, Physics and Biology/Agricultural Science as UTME subjects.
viii) IMO-POLY requires Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, English Language and Physics as well as in Chemistry and Agricultural Science/Biology.
ix) FEDPO-BAU requires Mathematics, Physics, and any two (3) of Biology/Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Basic Electronics/Basic Electricity, Auto Mechanics, Metal Work, Further Mathematics, Food and Nutrition, Geography. At least passes in Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science/Food and Nutrition and a credit pass in English Language is necessary.
x) RUGIPO accepts 'O' Level pass in English Language.
xi) FEDPO-MUB - At least 'O' Level pass in Chemistry and Biology/Agricultural Science is necessary.