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2023 WAEC English Language Theory Write a story to illustrate the saying: Half a loaf is better than none.

English Language
WAEC 2023

Write a story to illustrate the saying: Half a loaf is better than none.

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In the heart of a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, lived a young girl named Lila. She was known far and wide for her unwavering optimism and her ability to find joy in even the smallest of things. However, her family's humble lifestyle often tested her optimism.

One year, a severe drought struck the village, causing crops to wither and water sources to dry up. The villagers grew anxious as their food supplies dwindled, and starvation loomed on the horizon. Lila's family, like the others, faced a dire situation. They had just a small loaf of bread left, barely enough to sustain them for a few days.

Lila's father, a hardworking farmer, set off to the village square where a meeting was convened to discuss their predicament. As the villagers gathered, worry and despair etched on their faces, a wise old man named Ravi stood up and addressed the assembly.

"My friends," Ravi began, "I understand the gravity of our situation. But we must not lose hope. In times of scarcity, we must remember the saying, 'Half a loaf is better than none.' Let us share what little we have and make the most of it."

With Ravi's words, a glimmer of hope started to light up the faces of the villagers. They agreed to pool their resources and share their remaining food, ensuring that everyone would have at least a portion to sustain them.

As days turned into weeks, the villagers worked together to find alternative sources of sustenance. They foraged for wild berries, caught small fish in the dwindling streams, and shared their meagre harvests. Despite the challenges, the village came together, strengthening the bonds of community.

Meanwhile, Lila's family, though their small loaf of bread had been shared among them, managed to survive on the collective effort. Lila herself was instrumental in lifting the villagers' spirits. She organized games, told stories, and sang songs to distract them from their hunger and worries.

One day, as the villagers were exploring a distant part of the hills, they stumbled upon a hidden oasis—a glistening lake surrounded by fertile land. With their newfound discovery, they were able to rejuvenate their crops and secure a sustainable source of food and water.

Lila's village emerged from the drought stronger and more united than ever. The lesson of sharing, cooperation, and embracing even the smallest blessings had transformed their perspective. Ravi's words had become a guiding principle, reminding them that "Half a loaf is better than none."

In the years that followed, Lila's village thrived, its people thriving on the fruits of their unity and resilience. They never forgot the lessons learned during the drought, and the saying that once inspired them remained a testament to their triumph over adversity.

And so, the story of Lila and her village became a beacon of hope, teaching generations to come that even in the face of scarcity, the willingness to share and make the most of what they had could lead to a bountiful future.

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