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2023 WAEC English Language Theory There have been several articles in the national newspapers on the lack of maintenance of...

English Language
WAEC 2023

There have been several articles in the national newspapers on the lack of maintenance of public facilities. Write a letter to the editor of one of the newspapers expressing your opinion on the matter.

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10,Kobbie street,
Osun state.

The Editor,
Daily Royal Newspaper.

Dear sir/ma,
Urgent Need for Improved Maintenance of Public Facilities
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the ongoing issue of the inadequate maintenance of public facilities, as highlighted in several recent articles in your esteemed newspaper. This matter is of great importance and warrants immediate attention from authorities, policymakers, and the general public alike.

Public facilities, such as parks, roads, public transportation, and community centres, play a vital role in enhancing the quality of life for residents in our city. However, it is disheartening to witness the neglect and decay that many of these facilities are currently experiencing. This not only reflects poorly on our community's image but also has a tangible impact on the well-being and safety of citizens.

The lack of proper maintenance not only leads to an unsightly environment but also poses various risks and inconveniences. Uneven sidewalks and poorly maintained roads are not only an eyesore but also jeopardize the safety of pedestrians and motorists. Parks and recreational areas, when left uncared for, discourage outdoor activities and contribute to a decline in community bonding and overall health.
Furthermore, poorly maintained public facilities can hinder economic growth and development. Visitors and investors are likely to be deterred by the evident disregard for the upkeep of our city, affecting our local businesses and job opportunities.

It is imperative for both government bodies and community members to take collective responsibility for addressing this issue. Adequate funding and efficient allocation of resources are essential to ensure that our public facilities receive the attention they require. Moreover, community engagement initiatives and volunteer efforts can significantly contribute to the upkeep and improvement of these spaces.

I urge the relevant authorities to prioritize the maintenance of public facilities as an integral part of urban planning and development. This will not only enhance the quality of life for citizens but also instill a sense of pride and ownership in our community.

I applaud your newspaper for bringing this issue to the forefront and sparking a much-needed discussion. I hope that the collective voice of concerned citizens can drive positive change and inspire policymakers to take immediate action.

Thank you for your continued dedication to raising awareness about matters of public interest.

Yours faithfully,
Mumainat Kola.

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